Mind shattering truth

With the effects of his magic beginning to weaken everytime it was used on Grim, the devil had no choice but to focus its attention on someone else if it wanted to get its grimoire and stand a chance against the accursed half breed.

Knowing that only the spells in its grimoire could turn the tides of battlle, the devil's wings flapped as it sped over to Patry.

With the distance created between him and Grim thanks to the latters last punch, getting to Patry before Grim only took a moment.

Seeing the devil speeding over towards him, the cold darkness of its negative mana seemed to trigger something in the elf. Since elves were the race most loved by mana, facing a creature born from negative mana, both Grim and Patry's bodies moved instinctively in an attempt to destroy the source.

[Light Magic: Light sword of judgement]

Taking a moment to pause from healing Rhya, Patry's grimoire started glowing as he thrust his arms forward and fired off multiple shards of light at the approaching devil.




Unfortunately he didn't get the desired result.

With the sight of the light shards piercing towards him, the devil made its black teeth clear to everyone as it opened its mouth and said-





Freezing for an instance, the light shards seemed to tremble as they suddenly stopped mid air and returned from wence they came.

'Oh crap!'

Grabbing the injured Rhya, Patri shot up into the air in an attempt to escape. It was just to bad that the light shards he had created were homing in on him.

While the shards of light were being sent flying back towards him, Grim attempted to use [Thunderclap and Flash] to catch up to the devil while Yuno charged forward in attempt to stop Captain Vangence's body from being riddled with holes.

"Go away."


Despite seeing the same thing happen to Grim earlier, Yuno was not prepared for the sudden force pulling him back.



"GYAHHHH!!" He screamed as his back was slammed into the wall.

"Storm of swords! Freeze! Fall! Be burried!!"

With Grim quickly gaining on him, the devil spat as much words out of its mouth as it could to slow him down while it dealt with Patry who was struggling to dodge the light shards while carrying Rhya.


'Dammit! Dammit!! DAMMIT!! I won't be able to hold on at this rate!'






Dodging the homing light shards while manifesting new ones to destroy the old ones, Patry clenched his teeth as he flashed through the sky at light speed.

'Hang in there Rhya! I swear I'll protect you!'

Seeing one light shard that managed to slip through his counter attack, he bit his lip and used his free hand to create a whip made of light and swung it at the last light shard.


[Light Creation Magic: Bright Whip of Judgement]

Regettably for him, he forgot one crucial detail.



The devil was still here.


Watching his whip break into shards of little of vanish before his eyes, there was nothing he could do as the light shard he was trying to destroy flashed through the air and lodged itself in his chest.


Feeling a sharp pain spread through his body from his chest, things only got worse when he heard the devil's voice resonate in his ears.

"Iron Spears."





Impaling his body from below, pure black spears emerging from the ground pierced through Patry's body causing him to lose his grip on Rhya.



"DEVIL!!" Grim roared finally breaking through the obstacles set up to slow him down.

"Vacuum Wall."


Since he knew that he couldn't manipulate the mana in the area to stop Grim due to him constantly breaking out of it. The devil decided to use a vacuum to pull him away.

"DAMMIT!!" He yelled feeling the newly created vacuum dragging him away.

Now that he had been blown away for the short time, the devil focused its attention on the groaning elf whose face was warped in pain.


"N-No! That's impossible!" Patry shouted not beliving a word the devil said about him being the one that reincarnated them.

"IT WAS LICHT THAT BROUGHT US BACK! Even though it meant dirtying his own hands with forbidden magic! HE ENTRUSTED US WITH HIS FINAL HOPE-

"Is that so?" The devil chuckled cutting him off and caressing his face.

"Think elf. Would Licht really have wanted this?"

"Wh-What are you talking about... This... I did this all for Licht..."


"The leader of the elves would never have wanted the eradication of the humans."

"Th-That's not true!"

"Isn't it?" The devil laughed clearly enjoying this moment.

"Both your revival and the vengence you oh so longed for have been nothing more than misguided lies."


"You've merely been walking down the neatly paved road that I prepared for you, *grin* all while stringing along those other fools who chose to follow after you."

"You've truly done a splendid job."

"Its a lie...

"And in the end its led you to a future that Licht would never have wished for."

"Its a lie...

"Thanks to your actions, I've finally managed to manifest in the living world."

"Its a lie...

"And reunite my soul and body."

"Its a lie...

"You have my thanks."

"Its a lie..." Patry continued muttering. "I...I was chosen by the four leaf clover... just like Licht..."

"Indeed." The devil's voice echoed in his ear. "You were chosen, as my perfect little pawn... Well done."

"Ngh..." Unable to face the truth that he had been following the devil's plan all along and created a future that Licht tried to avoid, Patry unleashed a horrific scream filled with anguish.


"Fufufufahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha." Seeing him in such despair, the devil could help but burst into a fit of malicious laughter that echoed across the room.



Cutting his celebration short, the sound of an explosion where Grim was caused him to pause as a white haired figure covered in blood and dust walked out of the smoke cloud.

'Hmm?' The devil humed seeing him again.

'He broke out of my magic again... Is my magic getting weaker?'

*Looks at Yuno*

'No... For some reason it seems like my magic is only half effective against him.'

After breaking through the devil's magic once more, Grim dusted himself off and after ripping off what little was left of his royal knight robe, he took a deep breath and spoke in a clear voice.

"Humans... Elves... As pathetic as they are... *Grins* I hope you're not lumping me in with them."