Doing the most

'How troublesome.'

Analyzing the way the two's abilities worked, Zagred felt a incredibly annoyed at fighting them. Licht's sword made it so that any magic coming at him could be absorbed and then returned back to him. Grim on the other hand was just as troublesome since the effects of his magic was only as half effective when used against him.

But that wasn't to say that they didn't have a weakness. In fact the two had the exact same issue. By analyzing them he discovered that since magical attacks were useless against them, he should just focus on hitting them with physical attacks instead.

To this end, he used his word magic to manifest physical objects and hurled them at the pair.

"Storm of swords."

"Iron spears."

"Earth spikes."


Running towards Zagred with Licht by his side, the two white haired elves gripped the hilt of their swords tightly as the sound of their footsteps echoed throughout the entire room.




Using the manuverbility granted to him by [Flowing Dance], an etherial wave of water manifested behind Grim's figure as he elegantly weaved through every attack thrown at him. In the eyes of others, it almost looked like the attacks were actually avoiding him. And with [Hyper Focus] operating at full force, he sensed every little change in the environment allowing him to easily figure out where the earth spikes would pop out from.

Compared to fighting Zagred in lower floor of the shadow palace, Grim was having a much easier time now. That being said, Zagred was forced to split his attention and watch out for Licht as well so not all the pressure was on him like before.

Speaking of Licht, now that Grim had arrived he also felt the burden on himself lighten up. Using nothing but his battle senses and innate fighting talent, he managed to dodge Zagred's reckless attacks and counter with white arc slashes from his sword.




Seeing the slashes flying towards him, Zagred flew upwards in a single motion and evaded getting split in two.


[Breath of water: 8th Form - Water Basin]

Piggy backing off Licht's attack, Grim slashed his sword downwards and manifested a large amount of water above Zagred's figure.

"Eh?" Was the only thing he was able to say before the water hit him. And with that amount falling at that speed, it was not an exaggeration to say that it felt like he was being hit by a train.

"ARGHHHH!!!" His screams were muffled by the water pouring into his mouth cancelling his ability to use his word magic. And to make matters even worse, since this was [Demon Slaying] magic hitting him, having it enter his body through his mouth meant that the pain was a hell of a lot more excruciating compared to being hit by ordinary water magic.


[Thunderclap and Flash]


Once his body hit the ground with enough force that it actually managed to bounce, Grim took advantage of the fact that his body was covered in water to reinforced hit legs with magic and used the [Grim Style] enhanced version of the spell to transform into a flash of lightning and flash past Zagred's bloated figure and decapitate him in the process.


Whilst Grim and the others were dealing with the situation inside the Shadow Palace, Finral was happily resting on the floor in some broken down building... That was until Asta's bird Nero started aggressively pecking away at his forehead.

"OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW!! NERO STOP!!" He screamed rolling around on the ground rubbing his forehead.

"Why would you do that!" He yelled. And to his surprise, he actually got a response.

"Take me to the head of the Demon."


-Zagred POV-

Lightning and water, not exactly the best combination... at least for the person getting hit by it.

Having his head cut off while the rest of his body dealt with the electrocution, the pain Zagred was experiencing was enough to drive even a devil insane. It was bad to the point that he even lost consciousness for a few seconds.




Experiencing all of these new sensations in one go caused a build up in Zagred's stress levels until it eventually accumulated into a feeling of pure RAGE.

Angered to the point that the feeling of his head being seperated from his body didn't register in his brain, Zagred opened his mouth. But instead of words, the only thing that came out was a high pitched blood curdling scream that made the room tremble and aggravated both his and Grim's mana.

'Woah! What the hell!!'

Hearing Zagred's scream and feeling the ground beneath his feet shake. The amount of wild negative mana exploding out of the devil's body was strong enough that Licht was forced to back away while Grim's mana activated itself and reduced the mana aimed at him by 50%.

Rage. Pure unrefined wrath!

And it was HIS fault!

500 years! For 500 years he had waited for this moment! AND THAT BOY RUINED IT!

He'd been in this world for less than 20 minutes and his life had already been at risk multiple times.

*Flashback to Grim catching him in an explosion*

*Flashback to Grim cutting him in four slices*

*Flashback to Grim's blue flame covered fists punching him*

*Flashback to Grim drowning him in water*

*Flashback to Grim decapitating him*

[A/n: If Grim knew that his weakness was his heart, this fight could potentially have ended earlier depending on his mood.]

"Enough..." His decapitated head whispered as it drew closer to the ground.

"Enough, Enough, Enough, Enough, ENOUGH!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs causing the tremors to become even more violent.

Feeling his rage and resentment in that scream, something inside of Grim began bubbling up to the surface as the corners of his mouth began to rise.


Starting out as a small chuckle, his laughter quickly transformed into a sadistic an uncontrollable fit.

'Oh God! OH God! OH GOD!! THIS IS IT!! The anger! Hatred! Humiliation! THIS IS DESPAIR! A DEVIL'S DESPAIR!!'

Unable to control himself any further, Grim dropped his thunder sword and covered his face with his hands in a similar way Zagred had done when he was telling Patry the truth of what happened 500 years ago.

'He's laughing...Ha... He's actually laughing.'

Hearing the sound of Grim's wild laughter, something inside of Zagred broke. The wild and out of controllable mana that he was exuding mere moments before suddenly became calm... Deathly calm. In fact, his entire demeanor seemed to change.


Speaking a single word, all the anger and hatred in his tone seemed vanish as his body and head rejoined.

Ignoring the harrowing pain coursing through his body from all the damage his body had taken from Grim's magic, his grimoire floated over to his side and for the first time since getting it, it opened up.

As if sensing the change in atmosphere, Grim turned back to look at what should have been a decapitated head on the floor. Instead, all he got was the back of the devil. Facing away from him, the air around Zagred appeared to have grown colder and darker.

It was almost like he was draining the color from the world around him.

Feeling that something wasn't right, Grim subconsciously took a step back.

Reaching his hand out and grabbing the now opened grimoire, two words rang out from the devil's mouth.

"Hell Language."