The Final Months

[Month 4 & 5]

For the next two months, Grim entire life revolved around his training with the Elves. Learning how to fully maximize the elven power within him and bring forth its full might, his speed, strength and techniques increased at a rate that left the other elves stunned.

Combined with the Beast physique that toughened his body, increased adaptability and sped his natural healing ability. He was able to push himself to the limit on several occassions.

Now decked out in an outfit similar to what Patri wore during his time as a dark elf, he'd spend his mornings maximizing his combat ability by having daily "sparring matches" with Vetto and Rhya. In reality he was just letting them hit him with their magic in order to grow the number of spells in his grimoire before beating them down. And thanks to Rhya's [Copy Magic], he had essentially found a way to glitch the system.

In time the descendants of Licht caught wind of the training and came to watch the matches themselves. Having never actually spoken to this new half elf that had recently arrived, they were quite curious as to what he could do.

In the evenings he would train with Fana on how to fight like an elf and deepen his understanding of his own spells.

Having spent his time around nothing but humans, Grim's application of magic was very basic and straight forward. The closest he had ever gotten to fighting like an elf was against Gaja where he created his own variation on the [Thunderclap and Flash] spell.

But even Fana was surprised to learn that his mana wastage could drop to zero and that the power of his spells stayed consistent without deviation. Even Licht wasn't fully capable of that.

By the time night rolled around, he'd train with Patri and got used to fighting someone who possessed negative mana. Although he was no longer a dark elf, Patri still retained the power and spells from the form.




Sitting on a large branch and ignoring the children below, Grim body was brimed with strength and vitality. Compared to how he was two months prior, the current him felt much more in tune with both himself and the world. It was to the point that unless someone was paying close attention to him they wouldn't be able to sense any mana fluctuations at all. It was almost like he had completely become one with nature itself.

And as a result of daily muscle training with Vetto, his muscles had become much more defined despite his overall figure not changing too much.

Breathing out lightly, he played with his hair that had now grown long enough to reach his shoulders.

'I should cut this when I get a chance.'

Unlike Licht and Patri who seemed to have a fetish for long hair, Grim found it quite annoying and messy for his liking.

Standing up and stretching, he looked beyond the horizon and towards to Clover Kingdom.

'Its about time I return.'


[Month 6]

After bidding his farewell to Dryad and the others, Grim packed what little luggage he had and raced towards the Clover Kingdom. Returning to his black haired state, he marveled at how fast he had become in his base form.

He was even faster now than back when he was using [Thunderclap and Flash] in his battle against elf Luck and Zagred.

Flashing through the Clover Kingdom's territory. Instead of heading towards the Black Bulls base, he chose to go towards a different magic knight base entirely.

Using his newly improved relationship with mana to hide his mana signature, he passed through several restricted areas and appeared in a lavish looking room.

Looking down at the sleeping woman in bed, he closed his eyes and raised his sword up high. But just as he was about to slash down, he suddenly found that his surroundings had changed.

"Attacking a sleeping captain. I heard you were reckless but I never expected this."

Hearing a chipper voice echo out behind him, Grim sheathed his sword and turned around.

"Dorothy Unsworth."

Sitting before him on a large pillow-like object, the lilac haired sleeping captain gazed down at him with a flash of cheekiness crossing her eyes.

"Ohohoho." She covered her mouth and giggled. "You're much more handsome than the posters make you out to be."

"And you're even more youthful than I expected."



Melting out of existence and appearing behind him, she stood on her tiptoes and gently blew into his ear.

"Is that a compliment?" She whispered.

"An observation." He replied without turning to look at her.

Disappearing and reapearing back on her pillow, she laughed in a playful manner and proceeded to lay down on her front.

"You're much more interesting than Charlotte described. Then again, her head is only filled with Yami after all."

"But that's not what you're here for is it? Sneaking into my base, tresspassing into my room and even attacking an offical magic knight captain. If you wanted my attention then you've definitely got it now."

Nodding his head, Grim looked around [Glamour World] before focusing his attention back on the young looking captain.

"I want to borrow Glamour World."

"Oh?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I heard from Vanessa and the others that in this world we're able to manifest anything we can imagine."

"Mmm." She agreed.

"I want to borrow this place to train my abilities to their peak."

"Is that so." She said thoughtfully before shaking her head. "And what do I get out of this? Before you came in I was happily training by myself in order to get strong enough to trap a devil here. What you're suggesting would mean that my own training would be halted."

"Yeah." He agreed before slowly taking to the skies. "That's why I want to give you something in return. You want to trap a devil and I want to kill one. As someone who beat one previously, fighting against me should give you some inkling of what sort of strength you'll need in order to contain one. If you're satisfied by the end of it, I only ask that you let me train here for one month."

"Hmm...One month... One month... Did you know that in one month's time the six month deadline for attacking the Spade Kingdom will be up? Are you preparing for that?"

'Six month deadline?'

'I think Noelle mentioned something about that a while back... I probably should have listened.'

"Well whatever. Its been a while since I had a fight with anyone anyways buuuuuut. Grim, you should know that I'm quite hard to satisfy."


*Summons Beast Swords*

"Trust me, I've never disappointed a woman."