Burning Heart

-One Week Later-

Sitting completely naked on a chunk of burnt rock, a healthy glow radiated off of Grim's skin as he yawned and remincised on the violent yet passionate nights he and Mereoleona had spent together. Turning his head to look over his shoulder, the sight of her passed out figure entered into his eyes. Seeing the tired but satisfied expression spread across her face, he knew that she had been conquered.

Over the past week, the two of them had went at it like wild animals. No. Calling them animals would be to tame. Their actions were more akin to that of a predator and its prey. But who was who remained to be seen.

Thrusting, sucking, punching, biting, mana zones and explosions of every variety. Nothing was off the table. By the time the two had finished their copulation, the entire area had been razed to the ground and turned into a barren wasteland leaving nothing behind but smoke and charred rocks.

Even the unlucky carcasses of the creatures that had once lived here had long since turned to ash and scattered to the winds.

And worst yet, there no love or concern to be seens in their actions. They simply wanted to make the other submit.

Performing every position imaginable and even creating new unthinkable ones. To the two of them this was no different from a battle just in a different form. But by the end of it all, it was Grim who walked out with his head held high. With disheveled hair and covered in numerous cuts and burn scars, he had to admit that his respect for Mereoleona had sharply risen.

Considering that it was her first time, the fact that she managed to hold on for as long as she did was praise worthy. If she showed even half the tenacity she did with him in her battle with Princia, it was no surprise that she came out on top.

She was easily worth more than all those noble women he had slept with combined. Even the witch Queen was no match for her. If it weren't for the fact that his body had grown so much stronger over the past six months, there was a chance that he could have been the one to be dominated.

'The deadline for the Spade Kingdom invasion should be up by now...'

Thinking quietly to himself, he considered leaving this place and going straight to the Spade Kingdom. But his lack of clothes was quite concerning. Since his had burnt up in his tussle with Mereoleona and he had no other spares. If he fought the devils in his current condition he was worried that they would get distracted. And while he had no care about what condition he fought them in, he didn't want his lack of attire to interfere in their battle.

'To Elysia I guess.'

After coming up with a plan, he looked at the sleeping Mereoleona and shook his head. It would take at least another day or two for her to wake up. Heating the tip of his finger with flame magic, he carved a short note on the ground near her before eventually leaving.

Using the speed brought about by [Breath of the Storm], it didn't take him longer to reach the new elf village.


"Yo." He greeted walking past several elves without batting an eye. Strolling through the village in all his naked glory, there was quite a number of elven women whose faces had turned bright. But there were even more who stared at his manhood. Some even covered their faces but secretly peeked through their fingers.

Unbeknownst to Grim, his tussle with Mereoleona had caused him to emit pheromones which had yet to die down. Combined with his [Breath of the Beast] base, the pheromones he was emitting triggered a primal response in the Elven women forcing them to fight their inherent instinct to throw themselves at him.

As for the male elves... Well outside of being uncomfortable, the majority of them were outraged by Grim's action. What was this? Was he challenging them!? Did he think them so insignificant that he could charm their women without any drawback!!

Well he was right.

To the elves who had lived in this forest for the past 500 years, they knew nothing of conflict. And after seeing Grim's spars with Patri and the others, they knew they wouldn't stand a chance if things got heated. So instead of embarassing themselves in front of their potential partners, they swallowed their pride and vowed to get stronger.

Without knowing it, Grim had just motivated a species of individuals whose potential was far greater than humanity's into a Might makes Right mindset.

Whistling to himself and arriving at the Dryad's tree, after a short conversation with her she directed him towards and elf who had [Fabric Magic] in order to get some replacement clothes. Apparently this elf's potential surpassed Vanessa's [Thread Magic]. If Vanessa's cat Rouge could manipulate the red strings of fate, then if this elf's potential was fully realized, they'd be able to manipulate the fabric of reality itself!

'Quicker than I thought.' Standing in front of a mirror with an elegant wooden frame, he looked over his figure with an approving look.

After thanking the elf, he quickly left the house and went to meet up with Fana and the others.

Heading deeper into the forest, the sound of running water caught his attention. Smiling to himself, he headed towards the sound.

'Its been a while.' He hummed seeing the breath taking sight of a naturally formed waterfall flowing ahead of him.

"So this is where you were hiding."


Hearing a familiar sounding voice, Fana who was in the middle of drying her hair with fire magic turned around.

"Grim!" She gasped covering her mouth.

While it would be a stretch to say that she had recovered from the trauma he had inflicted on her. After spending a month training with him, there was a lot about him that she had come to appreciate. His earnest desire to be the strongest and the uncompromising principles he had when it came to achieving it had left a deep impression on her.

His refusal to take short cuts and the amount of work he put in made her respect him. If it wasn't something he earned then he wouldn't take it. He wanted to become the strongest relying on nothing but his own strength. It was quite admirable.


-Heart Kingdom Outskirts-

"Mmm. I wonder if Loropechka-chan is doing well?" Standing on top of a small hill overlooking the entire Heart Kingdom, an eyepatch wearing woman with medium length black hair and rocking a golden coloured tiara stared at Heart Kingdom palace off in the distance.

Humming a little tune to herself and reminiscing a little, she licked her lips at the thought of fighting a stronger Loropechka.

'I hope you won't disappoint me. Because if you do I'll be very very angry and might just have to take it out on your little kingdom~'


-Black Bulls Base-

"Hmm, looks like Yami Sukehiro isn't here yet. Shame. Guess I'll just have to play with you guys until he shows up."

Floating in the air and using magic to raise the Black Bulls base off the ground, a crown wearing man with combed back hair and a notable long black mark running along the entirety of his forehead smirked at the helpless magic knights.

"Try to entertain me."