
Walt: I was in Hawaii for summer break and was too drunk to be walking by myself. On my travels I met two islanders that wanted to party. They said to follow them to the beach. I tried to keep up but they disappeared into the jungle. As I was walking through this jungle drunk as a skunk trying to catch up. I finally came to a clearing. It opened up to a beach. I was walking along this beach and three men with hunting rifles came out of no where. They asked me what I was doing way out here. I looked around me quickly and saw nothing but marijuana plants. That's when I knew I was walking in the wrong area. I said quickly, please I'm just trying to find my friends. they lowered there guns and said "oh okay the trail to get back to the main island is this way". They led me a mile deeper into the woods. Next thing I know we end up at there house. "I thought we were going to the main road" i asked. thema. smiled and told me, "I thought you wanted to use the phone, its inside in the kitchen". I thought to myself yeah, I might as well call my buddy back at the hotel. Let him know I'm out here. I thanked them and walked inside. Next thing I knew everything went black. I woke up hours later. They must have hit me over the head with something hard once I entered the doorway. I can only imagine it was his gun. I wake up strapped down to a table. That's not the worst part though. I look over and from my right shoulder down I saw nothing. These maniacs cut my arm off and I saw them eating it down the hall from me. I quickly still acted like a was knocked out. An hour went by and the men fell asleep. I messed with my restraint quietly. and I thank God they weren't on tight. the restraints came right off. I popped my head up and saw them still passed out down the hall. probably full from eating my arm I was thinking. I got up and as scared i was looking for a window or a door to escape out of, i stopped. Who else have they done this too. who was going to be next. No... they needed to be stopped. I saw a hand pistol sitting on the counter. I picked it up and walked over to the three men. I shot three bullet's in three seconds. All head shots. I dropped the gun and fell to my knees crying. Finally my nightmare was over. I picked myself up when I heard a bedroom door open. I pointed the gun and a little boy about 7 or 8 walked out of the room holding a teddy bear. he looked at the dead men then looked at me and pulled a knife out of his pocket. He charged at me and it just happened. The gun Went off. I shot the little boy once in the chest. I was so scared i got on the phone and told the police everything. I'm back at home now in Florida and dont plan on returning back to Hawaii for a long time. Infact I think I won't take another vacation for the rest of my life. I will never get my arm back but I did gain a memory. A horrific memory but a memory none the less.