The dream

"Doris what is it again this morning, so it's because of a dream you woke me up this morning, why won't you dream a bad dream about me when you don't wish me well,tell me" adder Betty. "look sister Betty please am not here for quarrels, let's us pray, we need to pray against this before it's too late" replied Doris. Betty retorted " To hell with your dream and prayer,please don't disturb me again because of this nonsense, I won't warn you again, stop looking for my trouble ooh" she said and immediately turned her back to continue her sleep. Doris looked at her as someone who doesn't know anything, as she added"may god have mercy on you sister Doris, I have delivered my message to you"she said and left. Betty ignored her and continued with her sleep.

The following morning, Linda said "that reminds me Betty I overheard your conversation with Doris yesterday night,but I was so tired and still feeling very sleepy that was why I couldn't wake, what was the conversation all about?". Betty looked at her saying" is your sister Mary that woke me up very early, in the middle of the night only to tell me that she had a bad dream about me,you can imagine but trust me now I gave her the piece of my mind ". " no now Betty you shouldn't have,if she had a bad dream all you have to do was to pray with her and cancel it immediately " added Linda. Betty smiled and said "is like you don't know this kind of girls and what they can easily do,why won't she have a bad dream when she don't wish me well,look let me tell you I don't believe in dreams at all" she said shaking her head. Linda stared at her saying "you are wrong, dreams do happen in reality that is if you didn't cancel the dream in prayers,so my dear I will advice you to be careful with yourself and your movement and that reminds me did she tell you about the dream". " no she didn't" Betty said. Linda looked at her saying, " that is actually wrong you should have asked her first,I will ask her myself " Linda added. Betty giggled saying "enjoy". Linda ignored her and awaited patiently for Doris to come back from her morning devotion.

Few hours later,Doris arrived and retired to her bed. Linda went to her" Doris welcome hope you prayed for me" she said smiling at her. "sure I did sister Linda". Linda started" I overheard you and Betty last night but I was too sleepy to stand up, so I decided to ask you later,although I already ask her but you know her she doesn't care, am asking what was the dream about?" Doris looked at her "my sister, that your friend is seriously leading a way to destruction and she has seriously influenced you". Immediately Linda cut her short" sister Doris am not here for this please, am only here to enquire about the dream that is all, so tell me what happened?". Doris said "I know you wouldn't see anything wrong in what you are doing, anyways let me tell you about the dream, we were in a place like a burial ground or something, putting on all black Cloth, crying,in front of us was a coffin about to be buried, beside the coffin was Betty's portrait or picture, and you know what that means,she died in the dream" she added with a low voice. Linda immediately said"god forbid nothing will happen to my friend, I haven't still recovered from Rita's death and now Betty, no no it won't happen " she said. Doris smiled " I know but is not in our hands to forbid, is God's hand,that is why I want us to pray against any untimely death in her head but you know her she won't agree". Linda said scared "don't worry I will talk to her" she said and left still scared.

The following day Linda and Betty were together in the room reading a novel, Linda broke the silence "Doris told me the dream". Betty looked at her" so you have the time to go asking her the dream, what did she tell you? ". " Betty there are things we don't need to take lightly or as a joke, she had a dream you died and we all came for your burial". Immediately Betty started laughing "I said it,there won't be anything good from the dream,I keep on telling you that girl doesn't wish me well, you see,it has now come to the extent of her wishing me dead,please go and tell her, that her dream will never work,Linda are you sure that girl is not a devil in disguise" . Linda said"shut up Betty, shut up,she had a bad dream about you all you need to do is to pray against it,that is all,and not to counter it". Betty looked at her and said angrily "am not praying with her, she can go ahead and dream all the bad dream in this world ,I don't care,in fact am going to warn her for the last time". Linda ignored her and walked pass her sighing.

Three days later,Betty came back from lectures and met only Doris in the room she walked to her bed and said" Joseph the dreamer,let me warn you for the last time, don't you ever dream on my head again, if you want to me dead why not come out and say it in my face, rather using dream to cover up your evil mind, see don't you ever in this your miserable life try this nonsense again " she said angrily. Doris looked at her "look Betty I have better things doing with my life,than wishing other people dead" she said and laid down..