
"...And that's everything that needs to be reported on." Kouji finished his weekly presentation to Isako. The first one since coming back from Summer break.

"Wonderful." She responded positively. The girls' grades had been coming along nicely for her tastes. Other than Anastasia, who was okay at first, they had all went from dreadful grades to barely passable. Though there was still a lot of work to be done, if they were to achieve the standards and expectations set by the school's legacy. "I'm glad you chose to stay."

"At first, I wasn't sure." He answered, moving to get all the paperwork filed away. "But, I guess you could say the girls had… an impact on me." Of course, the truth was closer to just one of said girls.

Kouji opened the cabinet, he wondered what he would be doing right now if he didn't choose to stay. The first week might have some students curious about his time here, but it'd die down eventually. Maybe he would've settled in with Moku, and things would be pretty normal. Make some new friends along the way.

His stomach growled, seeing as these meetings occurred during lunch. If he didn't choose to stay, then he'd definitely be eating lunch right now.

"I suppose if everything here's done. I'll just be…" He paused for a second. Kouji looked over at his headmistress, who was simply staring at him. The uncomfortable feeling that he got from Yuma hit him, and they were like this for too long. "Um, h-headmistress?"

"Oh, sorry." She broke out of her trance-like state. "It's just that you reminded me of him."

"Of who?"

"It doesn't matter now." Kouji thought that was an odd reaction from her. Especially given how long they've known each other now.

"If I looked so much like this guy, I'm surprised this is the first time you did that." Or maybe it was just the first time he caught her.

"There's more to resembling someone beyond their looks." She replied. "He… Is not the same man I once knew." Isako kept the identity of the person she was talking about private. That was no accident, but Kouji's just a teenager. It certainly shouldn't be his business to worry about her life.

"Anyway." He said again, as his stomach grumbled louder than before. "May I return to lunch?"

"You may…" He turned around to leave, but she stopped him once more. "After I tell you one last thing."

"What?" He turned back around, getting a little impatient.

"I think you're doing a great job with the grades, but don't forget what I told you before." She stood up, to make sure he got her point. "There's more to success, than just doing the homework…"


Personally, he really wished that she didn't ask that of him. It wasn't like he was against the idea of it. Sure, he understood there's more to life than just school. However, he's just the same age as all those girls. There's no way he could act as some sage mentor if he hardly knew how to handle himself.

Being alone while walking back to his classroom. This opportunity gave Kouji a chance to think things over, but his mind kept wandering back to the same thing.

Why did Himawari have to do that? Honestly, he already said he was going to stay. He felt his cheeks flushed with heat just thinking about it again, prompting the boy to very violently shake that thought out of his head.

What changed really? Sure, she was no longer argumentative with him during their tutoring sessions. But other than not, nothing seemed to change. She still ate lunch with those other girls he knew. Perhaps that might've been part of the reason, seeing as those girls absolutely detested him.

That had to be it. Kouji remembered when he finally had the time to give her the pig she had to give back to him to save face. There was so much joy in her face when she hugged it, before realizing that he was still there. Then she shifted back to her cold demeanor.

Frustrating, it definitely was. Though… He couldn't say that he wouldn't do the same thing. Kouji had only just begun to think of the girls as… well girls.

"Finally, you're back." Waa was the first to greet him as he entered. All of Kouji's usual lunch buddies were here, hunched around his and Anastasia desks as was the obvious plan.

"Yeah, now can you please get out of my seat?" He stood over Waa, who took his spot.

"I was just keeping it warm for you." That was that, which prompted Kouji to shrug his shoulders, practically asking when she was going to get up. "Well, now that I feel how warm it is. Not really feeling like losing it." Kouji reluctantly sat on the front part of his desk, next to Yuma who had her half with Anastasia's desk.

"So did I miss anything?" He asked, grabbing out his bread crusts to nibble on. Both Waa and Anastasia shook their heads in response. They didn't have anything in mind, but someone else did.

"...Kouji?" Yuma asked him, after he had already finished a couple of the crusts.

"What? Did something happen?"

"Well…" She bend over to her bag, and produced another lunch box aside from her own already on the table. "I… Made you lunch." Hearing that almost made Anastasia spit out her food in shock. She coughed to keep everything in and not make a mess.

"Lunch? Really, you don't have to get me anything." He was certain that he had made himself clear on multiple occasions.

"No… No, I made you lunch." She said again. "It really doesn't take much more effort... I already make my own lunch, so it's just more food." If it really was just extra stuff, then he could live with that. At least she didn't spend more money than usual with that.

"Um, thank you, then." He accepted the lunch from her, which caused her to smile.

"I could make you lunch tomorrow." Anastasia spoke up. But unlike with Yuma, he wasn't as accepting of that.

"No thanks." He rejected the offer. "I, uh, don't really feel like getting a stomach pump tomorrow." That was the real gut punch to her.

'Heh. Ouch." Waa made no secret of laughing at Anastasia over that. She got the feeling as to why that girl failed her earlier attempt of getting him to stay.

Kouji took a bite of the food he was given. It was magnificent. He would've been happy if it was only just decent, but this was something else. It was just too good to not eat. He couldn't believe that it was the girl sitting besides him that made this meal. If someone told him that this was at some fancy restaurant, he would've believed them.

"Wow, this is amazing." He gave his compliments to the chef.

"I'm glad… That you like it." She said, glowing on the inside from the praise. On the outside, it sounded more like she was just being humble. Now was the time to take advantage of this situation, only this time, she wasn't going to mess things up. "If you want… I could… Um… Make." She stopped again, maybe things were going to be messed up again.

"You want to keep making lunch?" He finished her thought, being certain that's what she was about to say.


"I'd love that." Normally, his pride might've stopped him. However, that food was too good to just pass up. "But, I don't want to make you do more work at home than you need to." After all, he knew about her servant duties there. Surely, all this led to was more dishes to wash, and food to prepare.

"Actually… I'm not a servant anymore." Slowly, she explained to them that her parents had decided she had done enough. It wasn't like the girl needed to learn more about the appreciation of what their servants do. She had done it since she was 12, she clearly knew the work put into keeping everything prim and proper.

However, there was another reason. Growing up, Yuma wasn't a girl that had many friends. More accurately, any friends. Not because people disliked her, or thought she was weird. Simply because she never tried, any conversation lasted long, without much being said. Kouji and the others were definitely the first real friends she had made, that have stuck around this long. So her parents felt she should enjoy her teenage years, just a little more.

"Interesting…" To Kouji, this represented an opportunity. After what Isako told him, this seemed like the prime time to get to work again. Yuma was a girl that could be a little more… Outgoing. So surely, if she spent more time out in public, instead of cooped up inside. That side of her would come out more. Well, hopefully it would come out in general. "Hey, how about we hang out after school then?"

"What?" Again, Anastasia couldn't believe her ears. Did she really just hear Kouji take advantage of this situation that quickly?

"Ohoho. Pretty bold there lover boy." Waa mocked him, but he waved off any notion of being romantic.

"Relax, it's just what friends do." He replied. "Plus, we should all go. It'll be fun. I'll go find Teru and Himawa-"

"How about we do not take them?" Anastasia cut him off. Which he didn't expect, seeing as this girl always wanted to be with friends.

"Did something happen between you and-"

"No, um." She tried to come up with an excuse. None popped up in her mind. "I just think it should be with us four."

"Bold of you to assume that I want to be anywhere that's not my room." Waa was unamused with being invited, without agreeing to it. Then again…" But sure, I'll go."

"I… Agree." Yuma was also saying the same thing. At this point, he was outnumbered, so he just went along with it. Kind of a strange feeling not having everyone come, even if usually everyone trickling in was very annoying.

However, the real reason only had to do with one of the uninvited girls. Specifically Himawari. No one knew what those two were up to during that swan ride. But they did know she did something. Something to make him change his tune in such a short time. It appeared that she had the edge thanks to that, so it was time to take the advantage back.

"Sure." Lunch was over now. He told them he'd see them after school, other than Anastasia, who sat besides him of course. "This is kind of exciting. I've never planned a hang out time before."

"Well, it will be a lot of fun." Anastasia grinned, staring right over to him. She was much more excited than he was.