Chapter 38

[author- damn I spent all night on discord, making me stay up until 7 AM lmao. I'm surprised I even got this chapter up.

(2366 words for this chapter.)]


With Momo in his arms, Madara finally arrived back home and went straight into his room. Momo went to hers to go change out of her hero outfit that she had on earlier, and once she was done, she went to Madara's room to go and cuddle with him.

As she was walking there, Momo began to think about something that made her laugh to herself. 'I haven't slept in my own bed for years now. I swear that I spend more time in Madara's room than my own. At this point, we might as well go and buy a house for ourselves.'

Opening the door to Madara's spacious room, Momo walked in and saw him laying shirtless, showing off the defined muscles that made her lick her lips. Even after seeing him shirtless for so long, the effects of seeing him like this were always the same. It would always end up with her being aroused.

Of course the same could be said for Madara. He was just on his phone while laying down, checking the internet for anything interesting, but his girlfriend comes in with black panties and a short crop top that showed off her toned stomach. Let's not forget that she had her hair down, which (in his opinion) made her 10x more beautiful.

Momo got on the bed and immediately took her place on top of her boyfriend and laid her face on the crook of his neck, taking in his scent. If she were to he honest, she'd say that their current position always made her very comfortable. As a matter of fact, she was tempted to just actually fall asleep, but she needed to ask Madara something.

"So.. Are you going to tell me why you were randomly smiling when you were carrying me home earlier? You did say that you'd tell me when we get home." Momo said while smiling, as she felt him wrap his arms around her, bringing her even closer to him than she already was

"Well, I finally met your 'boss'. I sent a clone to go speak to her before we left." Madara said to her as he stroked her back with his hands.

"What did you say to her?" Momo questioned.

"I told her to actually teach you something instead of having you follow her around to do pointless things." Madara answered her question.

Momo brought her head up from Madara's neck, and stared right into his black eyes. Using her hand, she moved his hair that was covering his right eye. She still never understood why he let his hair cover his eyesight, because she herself would've had problems on seeing perfectly fine if her hair was like that.

But of course Madara's hair never hindered him in battle. Something that she was secretly jealous of, but she'd never admit it to him.

Stroking his surprisingly very soft hair, Momo kissed his forehead and said "I know I complained about it to you, but you didn't really have to go out of your way to talk to her Madara." The black haired girl said with a smile, with appreciation clear in her voice.

Hearing her words, Madara let out a sigh and closed his eyes. Sometimes Momo was just too nice for her own good.


"No Momo. Your potential is very high and I don't want your abilities to be wasted with some woman who only wants you in her agency because of your looks. I already told her, if she doesn't teach you anything, then I'll go and find someone better that you can intern for." Madara said to her.

Momo nodded her head when she heard her boyfriend's words. "Thank you Madara, but I'm not the only one interning there. What about Kendo?" she questioned him, thinking of her new friend.

"I mentioned Kendo as well Momo, but if Uwabami really doesn't do what I ask, then I'm going to look for a new hero for you only. At the end of the day, Itsuka Kendo isn't my problem, but you are. I'm not going to go out of my way for someone I barely know Momo."

The girl herself didn't argue whatsoever when she heard his words. She knew what type of person he was already. How could she not? She's been with him since birth. So she knew that Madara wasn't the type of person to go out of his way and meddle in other peoples situation, and Momo completely understood that. She wasn't going to force her boyfriend to help a friend of hers if he doesn't want to.

Kissing his bottom lip, Momo kept her eyes open to allow Madara to see the intense love she had for him in her eyes. Even when she said that he didn't have to do this for her, she was still felt very grateful.

"I love you..." Was all Momo said as she gave him one last peck to the lips and placed her head where it was before.

"Love you too Momo...and looks like Nejire is finally here." Madara said, having already seen the periwinkle haired girl arrive at the front door of the mansion. He did the same thing as yesterday, and had a clone Shunshin her into his room.

Unfortunately for Momo, Nejire didn't scream in fright like last time. The girl herself was slightly expecting it, but she still jumped a little. When Nejire appeared in a swirl of flames, she instantly went towards Madara and gave him a kiss on the lips.

"Nejire, the least you could do is change into your clothes." Momo said, missing the feeling of being completely on top of Madara since she moved out of the way for Nejire.

Separating from her boyfriend, Nejire let out a smile and said "Why don't we all go have a little swim today? We haven't gone there in a while." She was in the mood to get all wet and naked right now, but only because she did a lot of work today at the agency she was working for.

Madara and Momo agreed with what she said. They really haven't gone to the indoor pool in a while, so it should be pretty fun to do so today. And that's exactly what they did. The three teenagers stripped completely naked and decided to chill in their jacuzzi together.

Of course they did all sorts of things that won't be described.

When they were all done and satisfied, they all took a shower, got 'dressed' and then cuddled up together until Aiko and Jun arrived for dinner.

Needless to say, the rest of the afternoon and night time was very enjoyable as they mostly spent it as a family. Watching a movie in the living room, Madara had his two girls close to him on the couch, and Jun and Aiko stayed comfortable with each other on the other one.


[Next Day]

It was the next day and about 12:00 PM this time around. Madara just arrived at Rumi's house with the same workout clothes as yesterday, and once he got there, the sight of the Rabbit Hero waiting at the front door greeted him.

"Good morning Rumi." Madara greeted, using the name she asked him to call her.

"It's not even morning anymore Madara, but good afternoon. Let's get inside so we can discuss." The white haired woman said as she turned around and walked through her door; not realizing that Madara was currently staring at her backside.

"So no spar today? I know you said we wouldn't be fighting, but I didn't think you wouldn't back down from your words." Madara said a little jokingly as he followed her inside the spacious house.

Rumi went and sat down on the chair that was in her living room. There was one big coach facing the direction of the television mounted on her wall, and then a single chair that faces a different direction.

Rumi moved the chair to face the other coach and sat on it, as well as gesturing for Madara to sit across from her. Getting comfortable, Rumi sighed and then looked at her intern.

"Madara, I would love to continue sparring with you, but this is your internship and I think doing patrols for now would be best for you. You already have the absolute power, strong abilities and unique techniques, but I genuinely think that if you had more experience to go with it; you'd easily become the number 1 pro hero." Rumi said, completely sure of it.

No, she wasn't just hyping Madara up just to make him feel better anything; those were just her genuine and truthful thoughts. She firmly believed that all Madara needed to be the number 1 pro hero, was experience on the field.

If any other pro hero heard the Rabbit's words, they would've thought that she was insane; because declaring that her intern would become number 1 was like saying All Might was really a woman. No one would believe it.

Well, at least certain people would.

"It's ok Rumi. I always wanted to try and take out some villains. Actually, just yesterday I caught a criminal with a speed type quirk that some officers weren't able to catch." Madara said as he began to explain the whole thing to the red eyed woman.

"So you really used your quirk right in front of them after they told you not to?" Rumi said as she let out a laugh when she heard his full story.

"Yeah, are they really that strict about people without hero licenses not using their quirks in public?" Madara asked her the question that he was wondering yesterday.

"Well I would say that it depends on the situation Madara. You have to understand that some cops are more chill than others, and some would even give you a warning for the most simplest things.

For using your quirk in public, I'm sure if someone with a water manipulation type quirk just used it to wash their face, they wouldn't get in trouble, but if they started doing something like making the whole area rain and disturbing the other citizens, then they'd mostly get in trouble.

They usually look away unless you go on a rampage with your quirk, so I'm sure the reason why you got a warning was because you activity went and perused a villain and tried to catch him; but of course you weren't using your quirk so they can't do anything." Rumi explained to Madara, getting a nod from him.

'When I Shunshin away from those cops, I heard one of them saying that it wasn't so serious, and the others didn't even bother on trying to find me to 'warn me'. Was that why? Because I was just teleporting away so they didn't mind it? Makes sense...' Madara thought to himself.

Getting up off her chair, Rumi said "We've already spent too much time talking. Go ahead and get dressed in your hero outfit so we can go patrolling." Afterwards, she went and walked through the front door, most likely waiting for the Uchiha until he was ready.

'Too much time talking? It's only been about 5 minutes...' Madara thought to himself as he went into the bathroom to go get changed.


(20 minutes later)

Together with Rumi, Madara ran alongside her on top of the buildings while scouting the area. The Rabbit Hero herself wanted to go to a specific area since she was notified this morning that there weren't any heroes nearby.

"Rumi, how do villains know when there aren't any heroes nearby in a whole area or specific spot in the city?" Madara questioned her.

"Madara, any civilian right now that you see casually walking around could secretly be a villain. The heroes all wear costumes that stand out, so all a villain needs to do is walk around the area to check if there's any heroes nearby that is patrolling. If there aren't, then they usually have more confidence in committing the crime they already planned for." She said to the long haired boy.

Before Madara could say anything, Rumi spoke out again.

"I hear something..." Rumi suddenly said as she instantly turned the other direction with Madara following after her.

30 seconds later, the sight of a bank being surrounded by a bunch of cops with shields and guns, and a small crowd of people forming nearby with their phones out is what greeted them.

From what Rumi was able to pick up from the civilians conversations, about 4 villains decided to rob the bank that was here, and started holding the people inside hostage once they realized that they were surrounded.

Fortunately, they didn't do anything drastic, but the chances were high now since the villains knew they were screwed if a powerful hero comes by.

"Are you ready Madara? This'll be your first rescue. I want you to go in there, save the hostages and restrain the villains." Mirko said seriously to her intern.

"What? Are you joking?" Madara questioned her weirdly. Of course he had confidence that he could pull this off, but this was a serious situation, not one that he should be using to test his rescuing skills.

Putting a hand on Madara's left cheek with her right hand, Rumi smiled and said "I have my complete trust in you that you can pull this off. I've fought you for hours and hours for the past day, and I'm 100 percent sure that you're capable of doing this smoothly.

And don't worry, I'll be ready to pounce anytime if something wrong happens, ok?"

The woman didn't even realize when she was slowly stroking his cheek with her thumb, and Madara wasn't going to tell her either. He certainly didn't mind it.

Placing his left hand over the one on his cheek, the Uchiha removed it, but didn't bother to let go.

"Alright then." Was all Madara said before he let go of her hand and turned serious.

Rumi herself grinned when she saw how his whole demeanor changed. She almost felt bad for those villains.
