He picks up the snake Ophis gave him after he closed his cafe. His new snake just eats food that can feed five adults if his calculation is right. He knows the use of the snake that Ophis gives him, but at the same time, he doesn't want to use it. The snake is some sort of drug that Ophis gives to the Khaos brigade members, and by eating the snake, they will get a power boost.
First thing first, he didn't want to eat the snake, especially if it was raw. Second, he doesn't want to accept a power boost without actually earning it.
Kojiro sighs a little as he brings the snake to his bedroom and places it inside a glass tank he used for his tinkering. While he doesn't want to eat the snake, he still wants it as a pet. In his previous life (Gabriel Life), he liked reptiles, especially snakes.
After scratching the snake, He goes to his wardrobe and then opens the hidden door in the corner. After he opens the door, he sees his workshop inside the wardrobe. He decided to build his workshop inside his wardrobe after he created some room using the device he made to make the room bigger on the inside.
He looks at the table and sees his Sword cannon. He has already upgraded it, so it will do massive damage to any stray devil he sees. With Stray Devil Physiology, Anti-Magic Weapon, and Efficiency, he can make the weapon that does more damage to any stray devil, and he can use it multiple times not like before.
While sitting on the chair, he begins to think about the charge he currently has. He immediately put some to Anti-Magic Weapon (10/300) and Anti-Magic Armor (10/275). After thinking for a few seconds, he decided to use his charges on Penetration (9/100) and Magecraft (6/175). As for the last charges he decides to create another specialty which is; Doomsday Device (1/???@@#$)
After creating it, his head begins to hurt. However, his headache is more painful than usual. After a few minutes of groaning in pain, Kojiro gets up and sits down on the chair with his entire body sweaty. He doesn't know why the new specialty gives him this much headache than the others. After calming down, he then begins to check the blueprint it gives him about how to make some doomsday device. However, there is something weird inside the blueprint. Every single blueprint is incomplete. After checking all of the blueprints slowly and concluding that he is not dreaming or something. He has a feeling that this specialty needs around five more charges before he can build the doomsday device. While he doesn't want to build it right away, he needs to prepare for the worst.
He already fought Behemoth the other day. He doesn't know when he will fight the other Endbringer. Will they attack at the same time? Will they work together? He doesn't know, but he needs to prepare. Not only Endbringer, but He also worried about the Golden Man Scion or other entity that will come to this universe. He doesn't know if Great Red can hold them or not. Maybe he can, and perhaps he cannot keep them. However, by the quest given by the ROB, he only needs to survive for ten years or kill Trihexa.
Knowing that He releases some relief breath because he knows that at least there is only a small chance that the other entity will come to this universe. However, he still needs to take precautions. While his Kojiro side is complaining about the paranoia but his Gabriel side that knows how powerful that entity is, needs to prepare himself.
By the end of the day, he decided to pick the Gabriel side on this one.
After spending all the charges, Kojiro gets up and then goes to the bathroom to take a shower. When he is finished taking a shower, He goes for a stroll around the city. While walking around the district, he was greeted by some youkai that went to his cafe. Many of them hide their other features and blend themself to the human world. He must say that youkai are more pleasant individuals than humans in conversation. They are more… forward in expressing their word to him and make the conversation more enjoyable for him. While for some people, they sound like a rude person, but to him, it was just their way of life.
He continues to walk around the district while enjoying the weather.
"Thank you for accepting our offer, Yasaka-dono."
"Don't worry about it, Serafall-dono."
"Then, please excuse me."
Yasaka looks at Serafall Leviathan, leaving her palace using the Magic Circle. Devil Faction offers them some good deals earlier. The Devil will give them some Phoenix tears every month and rent money for Kuoh City. While they can't take back Kuoh without damaging the relationship they have with Devil Faction, At least they can demand a payment for it. In exchange for that, Devil Faction demands some herbs that they don't have in the Underworld. However, they only give them a massive discount for the herb and not provide them for free. Yasaka could see the reluctant face of Serafall with the deal because it was the same deal as their original treaty.
Previously, the Devil Faction did not pay for the 'ownership' of Kuoh Town, but after the new treaty, they need to pay for it every year. They also need to send phoenix tears every month in exchange for protection in Kuoh Academy. The reason for this is because many young heirs of the Devil Clan decide to go to Kuoh and search for Peerage.
The Devil in Kuoh Town is Seekvaira Agares, Sona Sitri, and Rias Gremory. There is also Sairaorg Bael, but he only appears from time to time. There is also some news that says Latia Astaroth will also attend Kuoh Academy.
Not only the Devil faction need to pay for the 'ownership' of Kuoh town, but They also need to send a weekly report and any emergency report to her if anything is happening. She also demands that they send every name of the newly reincarnated person that is from Japan, Including their Sacred Gear (if they have it) or their bloodline.
In exchange for all that, Youkai faction only needs to send some troops to regularly patrol around Kuoh and give the Devil Faction a helping hand in their time of need, just like their fight with Behemoth.
While she does not like the increase of Devil inside her territory, she can't do anything about it as they are only in one place all the time. She knows the reason many heirs of Noble's house go to Kuoh. They are here because of Sasaki Kojiro. She guesses that they try to seduce him and make him a devil so they can get another boost in power.
While she knows that Kojiro will ignore any of their attempts because she knows Kojiro is more into a mature woman instead of a teenager. However, she is more worried about Serafall. Yasaka gets many reports from her subordinate that seeing Serafall go to the Kojiro cafe almost every day.
While she knows that she is already ahead of Serafall in her relationship with Kojiro, but she is still worried about it.
By the end of the day, Yasaka knows that Serafall will fail in her attempt to seduce Kojiro because the Vixen is the natural-born seducer. If Serafall tries to lay her hand on him, then Serafall will know why the Youkai is known as possessive being.
Kojiro sneezes as he upgrades all his weapons inside the workshop.
"Can servants get cold? Or is it other people talking about me?"
He shrugs a little before continuing in tinkering.
After he finishes patrolling for three hours, he gets back to his house and then goes to his workshop to do some tinkering. Right now, he is making sandals that can enchant his maximum speed. However, he stuck in mach one as its maximum speed. If it was only mach one, then he can do it even without any help from Reinforcement.
After trying a few times, he then gives up any hope to try to create the sandals that can increase his speed. He then decides to create a vehicle using his Mobility specialty and combined with his Efficiency, Miniaturization, and Energy Generation, he can create a motorcycle that has a personal energy generator that can last a year and with the size of a toaster.
He then decides to create the motorcycle tomorrow morning and go to sleep because he needs some part that he doesn't have right now. After a quick shower, Kojiro then goes to sleep.