The benefit of having near-invincible power? You can basically do whatever you want.
Take Jessica for example. Almost right after she made a decision that to most people would be no different than committing suicide, she started getting ready.
The first thing she did was go over to the room door and lock it with the metal chain. She didn't want Sam or Dean to come in when she was gone. That would be a tough one to explain.
It wasn't that likely given Jessica and Sam just had a fight, but she wanted to be safe. The woman had no idea what the Winchesters would do if they found out about Killian in Jessica's body. Would they just let her go? Would they hunt her? Jessica didn't want to find out.
The next step was getting ready for a field trip. Jessica reached inside her bag and pulled out a set of clothing. Black jacket. Black pants. Black shoes. She changed into them like no one was watching. Since a long time ago, Jessica has stopped considering Killian as a separate entity.
Unsurprising, considering he has been there for some of her most intimate moments.
Now that she was finally ready, Jessica took the first step of a long voyager. She opened the window, climbed outside, and…
"Ahhhh! Where the fuck is the fucking window ledge!!!"
After one misstep, Jessica found herself falling down from the three-story-high window. A fall like this could've crippled a normal human being. Thankfully, when the initial shock passed, Jessica relaxed, knowing she was well taken care of.
Killian did step in, but he didn't take over Jessica's body completely.
"Jess, I'm giving you some of my power."
A shade of red energy flowed across Jessica's body. Immediately, the world slowed down in Jess's eyes. With a single flip, she landed in the hotel's backyard like a cat. Her feet gently landed on the solid floor.
If a set of cracks didn't explode across the ground from where she landed, it was almost as if she simply took a gentle hop in place.
"Wow!" Jessica looked down on her legs in amazement. She turned back and glanced at the hotel floor where she came down from. "You could've done this all along?"
Killian shrugged. "You gonna go kill that monster or not?"
"Yes!" Jessica quietly took out a copy of the local map. "So, we are here. Black Water Ridge is here. I...I should go that way! Right?"
"Trust yourself, Jess."
With that declaration, Jessica turned and charged forward. The first obstacle in her way was a line of parked cars. Jessica barely moved her legs to leap on top of the ceiling of one of the cars. Three steps became two and then one, and before she knew it, she was out of the hotel in a flash.
Several lights flashed across the darkness of night. Jessica knew she was approaching a major road, but even before she could wonder if it was safe to cross, the road has already been thrown behind her.
"What the hell?" One of the drivers thought he was hallucinating, but he could swear he saw something go across the road. But when he rubbed his eyes and looked again, nothing was there.
"I'm getting too old for this. Probably shouldn't have drank that bottle of beer." He said quietly before continuing his trip, half drunk.
Jessica ran faster and faster. Killian passed energy to her without any unholding back. She wanted to be fast, and he made her fast.
Anything to ease Killian's own guilt.
Something was in Jessica's way. A parked truck, but Jessica had no intention of stopping. She charged right into the truck, and for a moment, her form flickered. When she solidified again, she was on the other side of the truck.
The woman kept on going.
As she felt the cold wind brushing on her cheeks, Jessica suddenly felt a lot better. The last few days haven't been the best. First, she had to lie to Sam. It was for a good reason, and it worked, but she still felt a lot of remorse in her heart constantly biting down at her. Then, Sam had the guts to take her on a hunt, only to leave her behind for the most exciting part!
Damn it!
But now, she felt a sudden sense of pleasure. You wanna leave me out for the fun, Sam? Fine! I'll just track the beast down and kill it myself!
Gradually, there was less and less human presence around as Jessica went deeper and deeper into the mountains. It was late at night, and freezing winter wind raged all around her, but a layer of red energy shielded her off from the cold.
"Hey Kil, you mind lowering the shield a bit? It feels weird to not feel cold in this situation."
"Fine, but I'm only letting the wind through. Do you know how many bugs my shield's eradicating every second? No way I'm letting that through!"
"Trust me, I'm not asking for that."
Jessica finally came to a stop. She turned around, and the nearest light she could see was at least miles away.
"How fast was I going, Kil? 100 miles per hour?"
"More like a multiple of that, but sure."
"Wow." Jessica stretched her arms. "I don't feel tired at all! Please tell me this isn't something where I feel really good now but it's gonna hurt like hell in the future!"
Killian reassured her.
"That only happens when the possessing soul uses its power to stimulate the body it's in by force. That's the tricks of Demons when they possess people. I'm at a much higher class."
"Wait wait wait…" Jessica suddenly cut off Killian's flexing. "Possess people? Did you just say Demons possess people...oh god! Does that mean Brady…he was human?"
"Before you ask it, the body Brady was in was beyond salvation. The Demon possessed him for too long. Even if you didn't kill him, he's dead either way."
Jessica nodded slowly.
"Fine, but the next time I see that Demon, he's going down! Now," The woman went back to the issue at hand. "where the hell is that monster? Got any advice on how to track him down?"
"Oh, I assure you, if that monster is as good a hunter as they say, he'll be coming after you. All you have to do is wait."
Jessica nodded. She slowly walked by the dark woods. In a situation like this, eyesight was practically rendered useless, but Jessica walked on fearlessly. Monsters in the dark were no longer as terrifying when you could crush them with the snap of a finger.
"Oh god! Please! Help!"
Suddenly, a voice called out from a distance away. Jessica turned around and charged straight to that direction without a second thought. Within half a second, she was 500 meters across...and came face to face with a creature.
The creature only wore a pair of pants, but even those with the most gruesome fetish wouldn't find that tempting. Exposed skin across his entire body was pale and dried up as if they haven't had any water or sunshine for decades. His hands were more claws than hands. His arms reached down to his knees. His eyes were nothing more than two narrow cracks across his face.
The situation froze for a second as both individuals involved tried to figure out what the hell just happened.
"Oh my god!" Jessica suddenly jerked backward. She expected to face a monster, but she didn't expect to come in face to face with the said monster this quickly. What happened to slowly getting close to the truth and building up the tension?
The Wendigo was taken by surprise as well. Wendigos were formerly human beings who turned to cannibalism for survival. Consuming human flesh gave them things like super-strength, super-speed, and immortality, but it came at the price of humanity. Nonetheless, Wendigos might be animals, but they still had some human intelligence and knowledge.
For instance, it could feign a human call for help in an attempt to draw its victims into an ambush.
But what happened next was far from planned. At first, the Wendigo's intentions were simple. Fake a human scream. Hide in the bushes. When other human beings come over to investigate, jump out from the shadows, and ambush them.
Pretty hard to do that when the human being appeared in front of him right after the very first step.
Jessica was frozen in fear for a second. This was the third time she faced a supernatural being. The first time was the vampire, but she only saw it before it attacked and after it was dead. The second time was Brady, but he was still human. Now this, this Wendigo, it made her want to throw up.
If the Wendigo backed off now, it might make it out before Jessica could pursue, but beasts were, ultimately, beasts, and the Wendigo decided it was a good idea to improvise on his plan and push the attack. It charged forward with its claws raised.
That was enough to scare Jessica into a fight or flight mentality, and she wasn't ready for flight. Almost without thinking, she stepped forward and punched the Wendigo in the face with lightning speed. A flash of red covered her punch.
The Wendigo screeched as he took the unstoppable force with its face. The next thing it knew, it was flying across the air with half of its facial components caved in. It only stopped when its back crashed into a tree.
Most human beings would be dead already, but Wendigos were impervious to most conventional weapons. Well, if you grab yourself a Gatling gun and blast its body into a million pieces, it would probably still die, but most supernatural beings would agree unanimously that Gatling guns were far from the realm of conventional weapons.
Point is, the only easy way to kill Wendigos was by burning them to death.
The Wendigo struggled to stand back up. Jessica considered going forward, but she stopped herself and simply watched as the Wendigo stumbled away.
"What's wrong?" Killian asked as he replenished Jessica's energy.
"Well, three kids were missing from the last attack, right?" Jessica remembered what she and the Winchesters discovered during their investigation here. "Judging from that thing's size, I doubt he ate all three people. Chances are some of them are still alive, and if I kill that thing now, I will have no way of finding out where his nest is."
"Quick thinking." Killian nodded. He had to admit he was impressed. "That's my girl!"
Jessica gave him a quick grin before following the Wendigo.
Tommy Collins opened his eyes in utter darkness. He looked around. For a moment, he wished everything he just went through was a nightmare, but the foul smell of the surrounding and the burning feeling around his shoulder joints screamed for him to wake the hell up.
The boy was still alive, but he wasn't sure whether that was a blessing or a curse.
He wasn't the only one taken prisoner by the thing. There was someone else, a friend of his. Unfortunately, that friend was killed before he could identify who it was, and the chilling screams of a dying man was hardly a good identifier either.
Tommy knew he should consider himself lucky. After all, alive meant potentially being saved, but who would come and save him? He didn't even know where he was right now! The police? Hell no! His sister would definitely come after him...oh shit!
Tommy suddenly panicked when he realized what might happen. His sister would definitely come after him, but she would have no idea what she was getting herself into. If things go wrong, then the next time he woke up, he might find his sibling tied up right next to him.
Upon that realization, the man struggled. He needed to get out of here now! But both his arms were tied up in the air, and just the pain of the full weight of his body on his arms was enough to keep him right where he was. He kept on pulling, but he got nothing for his work.
Suddenly, he heard some footsteps approaching. Oh god! It must be that beast! But...but what if it wasn't? What if it was some hiker instead who happened to have stumbled in here?
The man closed his eyes. He didn't have a choice, so he might as well take the chances.
"Help! Help me! Please!"
His heart froze for a moment after he made the scream. He didn't know what to expect. A rescuer to save him from this nightmare? A monster to devour his body?
And then, he heard a feminine voice call out.
"Who's there?"
"Oh thank god!" Tommy Collins exclaimed as a person walked up to him. For a moment, his mouth hung open in awe as Jessica untied him. Only when his feet hit the ground did he realize how weak he was. Jessica had to held him up by the shoulder to keep him from collapsing.
But Tommy had no time to thank Jessica.
"There is a monster around here!" He whispered, his heart pounding like a hammer in his chest. "He must be gone out for hunting or something, but he can be back anytime! He...he killed all my friends! We need to get out of here now!"
"Ummm…" Jessica nodded slowly. An awkward expression on her face. "Yep. Yes! We need to run away from here as quickly as possible."
The two slowly walked a few more steps before Tommy's eyes suddenly landed on a pile of corpse on the ground.
"Oh god!" He bit his lips when he realized the corpses belonged to what was left of his friend. He recognized some of the pieces of clothing all around the body.
Jessica's face turned pale as well, but instead of feeling afraid, she felt angry. This beast has claimed at least a dozen lives. All of them ended up here in this cave, their bodies consumed like animals and their remains scattered across the floor. Their family would never know what happened to them.
That beast deserved to die.
Tommy looked like he was about to break down in tears, but he controlled himself. Sorrow could wait. Right now, escape was all that mattered. He tapped Jessica and urged her to move with his burning throat, but just after that, he heard a painfully familiar growl coming in from the tunnels.
The growl sounded weird. It was muffled and pained, but to Tommy, it was no different than the bells of Hell ringing for his demise.
Tears dripped down his face, and suddenly, Tommy made a decision. He turned to Jessica.
"Go! Run! You can't make it out while carrying me! Tell the outside what happened...and...and tell my brother and sister I love them! I'll buy you some time!"
Tommy knew he was doomed. He was too weak to outrun something that could hunt him down when he was fully healthy and able. At that point, the only thing he could do was try to cover for this girl's escape. This girl was young and attractive and warm-hearted. She had a bright future before her. She didn't deserve to die here.
Jessica bit her lips.
She quietly turned back to Tommy and set him next to the wall of the tunnel. "Look. Just wait here for a minute. I'll be right back."
But Jessica was already gone. She ran down the tunnel quickly until she turned and walked into a segment of the tunnels.
There, on the ground, the Wendigo twitched its body in pain. When Tommy called out, Jessica has already followed the maimed Wendigo into the tunnels. As soon as she heard the voice, she beat the Wendigo until it was an inch away from death before checking on Tommy.
Her original plan was to get Tommy out of here before circling back and killing the Wendigo. This way, it would be easier to explain things, but now that the Wendigo really wanted to die here and now…
"Killian, kill it!"
With the flash of an eye, literally, Killian took over Jessica's body. He knelt down beside the disgusting monster and grabbed onto its throat and held it up into the air. Before he killed it, he examined it carefully.
"Well, I've gotta give you credits for surviving that punch. That was at least the punching power of a couple of shotgun rounds in point-blank range." He whispered as the Wendigo struggled in his grip. "I wonder how you are created. You may be a decent cannon fodder."
A spark of red appeared on Jessica's hand and spread to the Wendigo's body. Killian wanted to see what the Wendigo's resistance to energy attack was. If it was as good as its resistance to physical attack, then it might be of some value to him…
And then Killian watched helplessly as that single spark of energy spread to the creature's entire body and burned it to crisp before he could say "shit".
"Well, never mind. You're worthless." Killian sighed before giving control of the body back to Jessica.