The two froze and looked at her. ''Usually one of the servants stay over the night to serve the master in case of needs. So we change our positions every few hours.''
Shu Ya held her head and then her face became flat. ''From now on NO other people can sleep in my room. Sorry, but it's bothersome. And no, you can't wait in front of the freezing door either. I sleep well the whole night. Go sleep calmly. Please! If you stay here I will wake up every few moments to check are you well and then the breathing of another person... No no no, too bothersome. Please go and sleep in your room. If I find out that you didn't comply, you can pack your stuff and find another employer. I can't keep those that don't comply with my direct orders.''
The girls were almost showered with a rain of words and went out with dejected expression.
Outside Bolin stopped them and smiled. ''Every master is different. Our little mistress as well. She would stay all night awake as she would think of you, do you really selfishly want to keep her awake?'' He could see them shaking heads and was satisfied. '' She is a good person. Good people need to be protected and cherished. Our room is just across hers. We hear everything, especially at night. Don't worry, we won't let anyone either harm her or slight her.'' His words became dangerously low scaring them completely. ''So two of you just do your job and everything will be fine.'' He smiled at them brightly and went into his room while the girls shivered and rushed to their room just a bit further away.
Shu Ya just laid down and closed her eyes when she opened them again. ''It is really convenient to have him around. If he could stay I would have many calm nights in future...'' She closed her eyes and fell asleep.
The next day became quite busy for everyone. In an early morning, full carriages with people arrived at the small farm and looked at her in wonder. But just behind them, carriages with carrots came as well. Just then she realized how much carrots she bought.
She waved at Mingli while they took care of carrots. ''Mingli, I think I need to ask you one more favor today. Do you know any potters?''
Mingli nodded. ''There are many. What do you need, miss?''
''Bring me many big pots with lids and bring as many as you can. We will need many. Do you still have enough money?'' She took out a big bag and gave it to him. ''If you don't have enough money buy as many as you can with those and we will order more.''
He nodded and rushed off towards town while she yelled after him. ''Eat breakfast there!!'' He just waved his hand while she shook her head. ''Knowing that fool he probably will just rush to do everything and rush back. Is porridge done?''
She found out that Tairong knew many things to cook so she let him do that. Louli and Rouxi held him in the kitchen and few other workers as well. She told him to add inside porridge as well some carrots and leeks, meat and seasonings so when the thick porridge was given to the people to eat they were quite surprised.
The tasty porridge was something they wouldn't dare to eat so easily and wouldn't be given ever.
Shu Ya came out and saw them all standing and eating. She needs to make separate building for eating where there would be enough chairs for everyone. But seeing how they ate withs satisfaction she nodded with a smile.
''Is it good?'' She asked while smiling at everyone. One older man nodded. ''Miss, what did you add to porridge to be so tasty?''
She pointed at carrots. ''Carrots, leek, bit meat and seasoning. Actually just a few simple things we had in our home.'' But didn't tell them that rice was actually a big reason for tastiness. First-class rice had wonderful taste and smell. Most of the normal people would mix old and new rice and the taste would come up to this. But she didn't explain more.
''We have home some carrots as well. this year there were a lot and good. What are we going to do now miss?'' He looked at the mountains of carrots.
Mingyu came forward and started separating them. ''One group will wash the carrots, the second will cut, the third group will put them on strings. Look how we did last night. Trust me, with so many people, it will be done fast.''
Shu Ya saw their expression. ''If you finish all today I will pay you as if you worked two days and you will get three meals. In two days will come more things to take care of so I will need you all back. Don't worry. I pay a fair price. And the food is not bad, right?''
They all laughed and had to agree. The food was really not bad at all. While everyone rushed to start their work Shu Ya went to the kitchen and smiled when she saw Tairong. ''You did well. From now on you will cook. From time to time I will show you a few things my mother taught me. I think after you learn enough recipes I will not need to come in anymore. Somehow I feel that you can handle everything quite well. Should we add helpers for you?''
He nodded. ''At least two miss. I don't want to miss Ruoxi and miss Luoli to get hurt. If they stay by your side I would feel more comfortable.''
Shu Ya smiled. ''Then so be it. I will add two more helpers for you. Should they stay for good over winter or just when there is a lot of people?''
He shook his head. ''Just when is a lot of people miss. For us few I can handle cooking completely alone.''
Shu Ya sighed. ''We are somehow growing. When there are not many people, everyone will help out. Mingyu, check if any of them wants to help in the kitchen for the same price as he helped others.''
Mingyu nodded and soon he came back with two younger boys and an older man. ''Miss, here are three helpers.''
''Three of you must listen to Tairong's commands. If you have no wish to do that, please go back to others.'' Her treat was clear so they just rushed inside while Shu Ya went back to her main room. She had to check all the bills. Luckily she had an amazing amount of money and would be just fine even if she doesn't do anything.
But where is there fun?