Everything became calm. "Shu Ya, born Kang father sides and Bai mother sides, has done a great deal to the country gifting the land with silver mine. As Kang and Bai's family chose to break ties with her, the Emperor chose to grace her with Noble Lady name Ying Guiren. Noble Lady Ying will be given according to rules yearly two gold nuggets, three ice silk rolls, five rolls of warm silk, twenty rolls of cotton...''
As he continued to speak more and more Shu Ya became baffled. Couldn't he make it less? But then her heart became big. With two gold nuggets yearly she can live until the end of her life completely free, but then her face became dark as she heard the rest of the Edict.
''... As a fifth-ranked official, Ying Guiren has to work for the state when her age became appropriate. Until then she can rest her body and grow up happily. Ying Guiren was given as well small estate in the capital near Ko estate as her Godfather asked for a favour...'' The officer rolled his eyes and glanced at Lord Ko who just bowed deeper while his lips were smiling from ear to ear and continued. ''She is to come to Capital as soon the weather let her travel. In Capital, she will learn about rules and regulations of the country and when the time comes she will be given proper work for our Empire. Graciously spoken by our Emperor.''
Shy Ya rose her hands to take the Edict and opened it right away while cursing the Emperor deeply inside her heart. What rules and regulations, what proper work, she just wanted to be lazy and enjoy her life.
Looking at her reading the Edict resentful the official looked at her and slightly vouched and so she just yelled loudly. ''I accept it graciously, just like I was given! Long Live Emperor!'' She bowed to earth three times and stood up stiffly while pressing her lips until they were white.
Even Lord Ko could see her getting angry so he patted her shoulder. ''You can't get angry, not the way your health is. You definitely can't.''
Shu Ya felt her eyes betting blurry but took few deep breaths and punched herself painfully so she could calm down. ''I... will... be... fine... Emperor knows how to show gratefulness...''
Lord Ko pointed at people behind her. ''These will be people that will take care about the silver mine. Is it here?''
Shu Ya rubbed temples as her head started hurting again and shook her head. She opened her eyes and looked at Mingli. ''Can you take them to the silver mine? I feel uneasy already for a few days. I fear some people might get long fingers over there.''
Then she looked at Lord Ko and chuckled. "Godfather, huh?" She never expected that, but the remembered something. "I fear that the farm has space only for a few people, where will all these people live. The winter is coming and..."
Suddenly he pointed at the carriages that left as well after Mingli and those people. ''They brought special tents until they don't make houses. Don't worry.''
Shu Ya was about to say something when she saw Shin Young approaching swiftly. ''Miss, your rice is here.'' He was truly happy to see her again and was truly astonished how cute she looked in her attire. ''Miss should wear such pretty clothes more often.''
What he didn't expect is a young man to jump in front of his face with scary expression. ''What did you just say?'' Qiang Ka was furious as he felt that Shin Young didn't show her respect. After all, he was just a mere guard, right?
Suddenly he felt pain on his leg and when he turned around he saw Shu Ya standing there with crossed arms and narrowed eyes. ''Big brother. I know you care but he is my person. He just gave me a compliment and I like it. Do you mind? Not many people compliment me, you know?''
Qiang Ka was stunned by her words. ''But... but he crossed the line...''
Actually the older generation already went inside her living room and let her servants give them tea as they curiously listened to their antics.
She pointed her finger at him and then at Shin Young. ''What line? He just told me I should wear pretty clothes more as I deserve it, or do you think differently? Do you think I should not? Maybe I am anyway ugly in your eyes? Huh?'' But at the same time, she motioned to Shin Young to leave so he just smiled, bowed and walked back to his room where Bolin waited for him with many new informations and a whole batch of tasty food.
Lord Ko shook his head and chuckled. ''Look at this little bee. I fear my son is completely pressured by his sister. What should I do...sigh...''
The other two men just laughed but then realized that there was one more person that leaned at the nearby post that smiled at her. Lord Ko wrinkled his eyebrows as he saw the young man and coughed. ''Who you might be?''
The young man stopped smiling and turned his face towards them while straightening his back. ''I am Wen Delun. Her teacher, doctor and friend. This child is officially under my protection and I do not care if you are her Godfather or not, I will definitely protect her. Going to the capital with her, you people must dream about it. She can't go anywhere next few years.''
Lord Ko jumped up and wanted to say something but Shen Zihao stopped him. ''It's her health, right? Last time she gave me the life-saving plant and I could see already on her face that she was not well, but I had to rush back. How is her health, any changes?''
Wen Delun sighed and shook his head. ''It got worse. I have no idea who was trying to poison her when she was younger. But whoever it was they gave her slow-acting poison so she could have been saved. But unfortunately, she met a problematic situation here because of the silver mine. They poisoned her one more time, so her health deteriorated even more. She can't have big emotions. I fear...''
He pointed at the little girl that had a smile on her face but small pearls of sweat on her forehead. Shen Zihao jumped up and rushed to her as he suddenly felt strange urgency after seeing her expression.
Just as he arrived near her, she just dropped down and fainted. He was on time to hold her in the right moment and with a swift motion, he picked her up and looked at the two pale looking, servants. ''Where is her room?''
They pointed at the nearby rooms that were connected to the main room by covered path so he rushed there with her in his arms while giving orders to his servants. ''Quickly, bring me my bag. Hurry!''
Shin Young suddenly jumped as he heard the voice and together with Bolin rushed towards the crowd of people that surrounded Shu Ya's room. With few swift movements, he pushed all the servants aside and stopped on the door. Together with Bolin, he stepped on booth sides of the door and with scary expressions stared at the group of people that were curiously looking inside.
With a booming voice, they yelled simultaneously. ''Back of!''
Lord Ka knew he couldn't do much so he pulled out the room. His son and Ying Deming as well came out to see two scary looking guards standing there with pulled out weapons staring at the shaking servants.
One of them rose a leather bag that he held in his hands and with a weak voice spoke. ''My master needs his medicine bag, please let me in.'' Shin Young stepped aside and motioned with head to enter and then went back on his spot while still pointing with swords at the crowd.
Lord Ka came out and saw the situation and with a calm voice waved his hands. ''This is a small house. You all need to go to silver mine as well. For now, we do not need your help or services, we have enough people here. Go!''
He could clearly see on few people face reluctance to go and curious stares that they sent towards Shu Ya's room. ''I will not repeat myself again.'' His deep threatening voice was a clear sign that he really meant it.
Qiang Ka sat down on the porch and refused to leave. ''Father, you and Lord Ying probably have to speak about important things and I would just be in your way. Let me stay here. I promise I won't bother anyone. I just want to be near her.''
Lord Ka knew how stubborn his son was so he just accepted it. With heavy steps, they went to the main room and closed doors while Qiang Ka looked at Shin Young and Bolin with a sigh. ''I wish I was so strong as well so I can protect her. Sorry about before. I just wanted to to make her laugh. She is always so serious for her age and only after she argues little she loosens up. I was about to succeed I didn't expect that such a thing would cause her to get hurt...''
The two men looked at each other and then at worried youth. Bolin knew what happened so far so he shook his head. ''Actually, the miss was already sick. She just started getting better when this all happened. I guess the stress and too many things made her already weak heath even weaker. It's not your fault young master. And about beings strong. It's easy... Join the army and let them train your body.''
Qiang Ka suddenly stood up and smiled. ''I am anyway the youngest son. Fine, I shall do that. I will go to the army, become general and be a protector for my little foolish sister.''
Everyone rolled their eyes while he boasted, but they did that only to hide their other feeling, the worry...