82. Future supplies

Shu Ya was about to turn around when she saw a strange thing. In the nearby shrubs, something was moving. Bolin rose his sword and wanted to slash that way but Shy Ya stopped him.

"Stop swinging your sword at every single sound. Go and check what is there, but carefully." After reprimanding him she worriedly warned him to take care of himself.

Both things made his heart be warm and he seriously nodded and carefully approached. Looking at his slow motions Shin Young almost started laughing. He had to bite his lips to stop himself.

Bolin approached the bushes, glanced inside and saw a whole rabbit family on one spot. He couldn't believe it. Almost ten rabbits his in bushes and then he glanced at other bushes and saw paws there as well.

Shu Ya could see on his face a huge smile spreading and in astonishment saw him whispering. "Rabbits!"

Hearing that Shin Young Lais OKed at Shu Ya and knew what to do as she just glanced at him. He looked at everyone else and motioned to be as quiet as possible. "Let's catch them alive. Quickly."

Soon the whole bunch of men started catching running rabbits. Strangely, the rabbits never left to far and always tried to go back to their bushes. Shu Ya saw their behaviour and the strange idea came to her mind.

"Catch them all and then help me clear the bushes, I think their lairs are there and little ones are inside." Shu Ya could see the rabbits trying to get near their nests and logically made the right decision.

But seeing their full hands she rolled her eyes. "Go home with those you caught and put them into the stall until we don't catch the rest. Bolin, find someone to make a big box only for rabbits. They dig into the earth so I do not think it will be a good idea to put them straight onto the earth. Hurry!" She saw him almost flying back. Luckily they were near her house.

Suddenly a strange thing started happening. Bunch of servants crawled all over the field and dug small holes, to take dozens of dozens of small rabbits out of it.

When she came back, she saw a few men building a huge rabbit box and smiled happily. But they stilled. She will need food for them.

Wild grass, roots and such need to be gathered until her first green plants do not grow a bit. She already sent a message to that trader to send her more rice. Her storages were overfilled, but she planned to buy more.

When the bird came and the trader saw the message, he gasped. "So many? Who is she feeding? Whole land?"

But he already knew she had money so without even thinking twice he packed huge caravans and started his way up to the north. His horses were well fed and he had many carriages so his travel was faster than other people.

He looked at the grey sky and sniffed the air. "No wonder she asked for more rice. Next year it will be a wonder if there is any summer. Looking at the sky..."

It will be a long winter. Maybe even two winters connected into one. He must buy more grass for his animals. Or it will be hard for them as well.

Even tho he lived further south, his city could be considered on the north as well. Luckily he bought all the rice in the surroundings on time. Not only that, but he also imported from the south so much, as he had that strange feeling he should. There is no such thing as a loss in rice sale.

Shu Ya recounted how much time he would approximately need and made servants build another storage. Looking at her serious face everyone knew she really had that feeling.

She hired from the city hundreds of workers and made them plant seeds of different kinds of plants and cover them with warm bamboo covers. Looking at her strange idea, some of them did the same at home. There is maybe a chance they could gain something, there is no loss in trying.

After that she made them gather as much dried wild grass, wild plants and roots. The earth was already hard as strangely no rain fell, but they still gathered immeasurable amounts of it. She made another storage only for that and rolled the cleaned roots into grass and wild leaves, portion-wise. Then she covered everything again with grass and bamboo covers.

As they had no idea what is that for they just did as she said. The storage was full and workers happily left after a couple of weeks of hard work. They ate good, got money and one more thing. Each got a bag of rice.

Hearing her nagging they felt grateful. "Take it. It's not like you not coming back to work for me. Next year you all must be ready for hard work. I don't want any complaints that you have no strength. Take it and go, go."

The whole river of people walked back as the carriages that brought them were filled with their bags. As they left everyone stared at her in wonder. Shu Ya just sighed.

"They worked hard in such cold weather. I have so much rice and I plan to use it wisely. Those that want to work should be treated well. We can weak old, weak and children. But everyone else has to work for their money." Her eyes became cold as she spoke.

They could see her face getting serious as she continued. "The winter will be very long. People can help clear the roads and clean up the roofs. There is so much to do. If they think they will get rice for free, they must be kidding me. The Emperor sent rice to the north, let me take charge of it. I am his hand to the north. Can you trust me with that task?"

She looked at the astonished people that saw new resolution on her face. Actually, usually, the City Lord would take the rice and evenly give all his citizens. But, most of the time the rice would strangely disappear in nobles storages and an only a small amount will be given commoners.

Her seriousness made all of them change as well. Minister Ying nodded. "Fine. The Emperor gave you the fifth-ranked official position, so you can order most of the lower officials to do what you seem to be right. I'll write the official letter to the Palace and send not on that. In the time between I will do as you say and buy off all surplus of rice on the north. Even tho it looks like it will rain any moment, the air is too dry. I think it will just start snowing."

Shu Ya went straight to her living room and opened a message she got. "I know that my Godfather is wealthy so I asked someone I know to bring everything he could carry to me. He should be already in his way here. All the rice I ordered will be booked as the food that the Emperor paid. I want to recommend the trader for buying food in the north as his prices are quite fair and he is helpful."

Minister Ying looked at her serious face and took the small paper that confirmed her order and mentioned that he is on his way to her. "I can recommend him to the Emperor, but later. The sate seemed to be before you got sick again. Does that means he is soon here?"

Shu Ya nodded. "I need to check storages. Send the nearest garrison a note to get to send soldiers to this city. We will need their help. I think it wouldn't be bad if they change their position and open garrison here. From one side we have open mine that is unguarded. And if its long winter, they won't be able to help us in case of emergency."

Her Godfather smiled and patted her head. "Good child. Minister already thought about it and ordered the biggest garrison on the north to get here. I think they are on their way here. And they will bring the material for building a safe city. Don't worry. I think they should be able to get here in two days."

Shu Ya silently looked at the paper and then at Minister Ying. "Can someone get in contact with the general? They should be able to meet the trader as well and safely bring him with them. That would be the best solution."

He agreed and called for his assistant. "Send a message to General Chang. He should bring with them the rice as it is, was meant for the Empire."

The assistant bowed and rushed out. He wrote a quick message and let the bird fly away and then wrote another message. Just when he was to send the other message Bolin caught his hand and took the message of the bird.

"I guess you are the one that is sending messages. Its time we talk a little bit." He opened the message as he dragged him and smirked. "Great. I really caught a real rat. This is good, very good."