The Last Serenity (Part 1)

Lady Elizabeth's territory was only able to hold the strong gnolls off for two days before it was taken over by them. 

Suffering from low morale, her husband-in-name had fled with her tax money, among other things. 

Although Lady Elizabeth was good at managing her territory's economics, as a woman she had absolutely no experience when it came to armies and wars. The generation of knights that were loyal to her family had always been responsible for defending their territory. Her territory was north of the southern plains, and it was equivalent to a safe zone. Except for some Kobolds who occasionally came over to sponge off them, there were no strong enemies around at all. 

In fact, Lady Elizabeth new that after the great collapse was the point they had lost confidence and gave up their resistance. 

At the southern part of the territory, more than 8,000 people arrived as reinforcements! Among these 8,000 people, there were almost one thousand pieces of high-quality heavy infantry equipment provided by the dwarves. If Lady Elizabeth had been able to persevere for just one more day, they would have defeated the gnolls' attack. 

In war, scenarios were always ever-changing like this!

By the time the line of defense in Lady Elizabeth's territory was broken, 600 advance-dispatched light cavalries among the 8,000 reinforcements had arrived. 

But at that point, they were unable to do anything more to help them. 

They could only watch their allies collapse and get killed one by one! 

"That woman is a cunning politician, but her ingenuity is useless in the military!" said General Salas-Möst, the general of the reinforcements. He could only sigh as he gathered the scattered allies and rebuild the defense line closer to the back of the territory. 

All they had to do was persevere for one more day! 

Just one more day. 

. . . . . . . . . . . .

If Murphy's previous strategy had just been to surprise her, then it worked! Everything she had seen today had shocked her. 

Before, Murphy was just a wise and educated noble who knew how to win over people's hearts. But what she saw today made her feel that there was more to this seemingly young Lord than she had realized. 

As a wise noble, if he was also fearless and brave, he would no longer be limited to just being a noble. 

Being fearless and brave were talents only a "Ruler" had. 

The vow that Murphy had made today was the declaration of a Lord who was only 16 years old. Even Lady Elizabeth, who was an outsider, was shaken by his solemn and determined gaze.

That was why she had chosen to stay without a moment's hesitation. At that moment, she even had the thought that if Murphy had been her husband instead of husband-in-name, her territory wouldn't have fallen. 

His expertise in economics and his military abilities were undoubtedly an extremely great combination! 

However, Lady Elizabeth was neither a "vase" that used her charms for gain, nor was she a demented literary woman who read novels of third-rate knights and dreamt of great love. The protagonists in novels always gave away everything for love and to have a happy ending. But in reality, there were no happy endings. There was nothing but lots and lots of tragedies. 

One had to be sensible when seeking love. 

Just like now. Even though deep down Lady Elizabeth intended to marry Murphy, she didn't show any outward signs that this was her intention. 

At least, not until she took back the wealth her family had accumulated and had a certain amount of capital. 

Only then would she reveal her intentions. 

This was a smart woman's strategy. Even if romance was needed, it had to be done through the appropriate means. Only smart women knew that there was no love without rationality in this world. Capital and benefits were the best way to get someone's love! 

Just like the widely used phrase among the nobles! 

A vase. Even a vase had to know it was a vase! . . . . . . . . . . . .

While everyone in the territory was busy preparing for war, there was a strange atmosphere in the temple. 

"I won't evacuate," the high priestess said, standing under the idol of Athena, the goddess of wisdom. She'd always been kind and gracious, but at this moment, she had turned abnormally serious. 

"That won't do," Murphy said, refusing without so much as a moment's hesitation. 

"Why not?" the high priestess asked angrily. She was glaring at Murphy. 

"You're a woman."

"..." The high priestess gritted her teeth. She was normally known to be warm and gentle, but at that moment she seemed ready to bite Murphy at any moment! She raised her head and stared fiercely at Murphy. In a high-pitched voice she said, "I am the high priestess!" 

"Even though you're the high priestess, you're still a woman!" Murphy said adamantly. 

The high priestess was about ready to explode because of Murphy's stubbornness. This woman, who had always been as gentle as a spring breeze, clenched her scepter. Her body gleamed and radiated a faint light. It was a sacred, holy, and indestructible divine light! 

"If you can win against me, I'll evacuate!" Completely fed up with it, the woman who had always been gentle decided to use violence to solve the problem when she realized her words couldn't make Murphy yield to her. 

She started at Murphy dead on and said this without hesitation. 

Then, Murphy wilted. 

To be honest, Murphy knew that if he were to have a match with the high priestess, there would be no chance of him winning. 

The reason was simple. This woman knew magic! 

As the high priestess of Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and the head of the temple, the auxiliary system clearly marked that this woman was able to use more than the second level of magic.

Moreover, when the temple had just been built, the unforgettable sight of this woman and Athena, the goddess of wisdom, merging into one had always kept Murphy in awe of her. 

Win in a match against her? 

He couldn't win! 

"Fine. Stay if you want to stay," he said despondently, giving in in the end. If she wanted to stay, then he would let her stay. 

Originally, Murphy had intended to let the priestesses evacuate along with the group because they were all women and because they were also all new priestesses. But this plan had been rejected by the high priestess without hesitation. As believers in the goddess, this woman said that they wouldn't leave and that they would fight with the town of Athens until the very end! 

Them? Fight? 

Murphy hadn't accounted for someone like the high priestess in his strategic plans. 

To be honest, it wasn't that Murphy looked down on them, because without their few magical powers, their little arms and legs would end up as tender snacks for the gnolls. 

Since they were so persistent, then let them stay. At most, some people would even be moved to fight to protect them. Moreover, their presence would be good for boosting morale. 

With this thought in mind, Murphy turned around and walked out of the temple. 

The high priestess looked at Murphy leaving, and the corner of her mouth slightly curled upward. 

She playfully waved her fists at Murphy's back, then she straightened her snow-white priestess robe and regained her graceful appearance. 

It seemed like she had found a good way to deal with His Excellency! 

She should do this from now on! 

The high priestess smiled faintly and felt very happy.