Sacrifice! (Part 2)

Murphy gently closed Hamilton's eyelids.

Suddenly, he felt a sense of foreboding.

He raised his head and looked into the dark sky in the distance, and all the hairs on his body stood on end, as if something terrible was approaching.

The night sky was completely dark, and there was nothing to be seen.

But, after meeting that scary creature in the last battle, something was telling Murphy that the Quetzalcoatlus with huge wings that spanned more than 20 meters was currently approaching!

Because when he had been targeted by that creature in the last battle, he had felt the exact same ominous feeling!

"D*mn it! It's because of the stench of blood!" he exclaimed. The square was covered in blood, and the thick stench made people feel nauseous, but the beasts were attracted by it. Murphy believed that even if the stench of blood wasn't the main reason why these creatures were drawn here, it was undoubtedly one of the reasons why.

What should he do?

He wasn't capable of fighting against something like that horrible creature at the moment.

Just as Murphy was racking his brain for a way to deal with the monstrous Quetzalcoatlus that might appear before them, a slender shadowy black figure had arrived in the vicinity of the bloodied battlefield.

"Tailan Yali," the shadowy figure said, gently caressing the pure black kitten that was in her arms. Then, she said slowly: "Living things always give in to their selfish desires, but don't they know that everything they have has been given them by mother nature? But for the sake of their selfish desires, they will upset the balance of nature."

"Only when they feel the wrath of mother nature will they realize how insignificant and ridiculous they are."

The pure black kitten yawned lazily, as if the shadowy figure's words were nothing of importance. It tilted its head and looked at the battlefield near them. Its green eyes seemed to hold a kind of brilliance. It was very eye-catching! Suddenly, the black kitten, which was about the size of an adult's arm, jumped out of the shadowy figure's arms. It gazed at Murphy, who stood in the center of the square, and its green pupils gradually dilated, as if mercury were swirling across its eyeballs.

It stared at Murphy for a long time and then suddenly grabbed the whiskers on its mouth with its small claws. It could actually speak like a human. "Sister, that human is very strange! He seems to be a deity!"

"Hmm?" The slim shadowy figure stood up doubtfully. She stared at Murphy, who wasn't that far away, and wondered: "He's a deity? But I don't see any radiance on him?"

"That's exactly the reason why I feel he's strange!" said the little black cat. It was very human-like and grabbed its whiskers in confusion with its small paws, and continued: "But he really has the presence of a deity!"

"Perhaps," it said, "Perhaps the God who blessed him is very, very weak. Hmm, I guess that could be it… And that's why he doesn't have the radiance of a god on his body… meow…!"

Halfway through saying this, the pure black kitten suddenly let out a "meow wu."

Then, it dropped its head and used its little sharp claws to carve a line of High Elvish into the wood of the rooftop.

"—Damn it. The magic ran out again."

The tall shadowy figure smiled.

Suddenly, a shocked expression came over her face as she looked in the not too far distance. With a serious look on her face, she said in a low voice: "They're coming!"

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Murphy heard the sound of the wind!

Then he raised his head and finally saw the hazy figure of one of those giant creatures, which was camouflaged in the night sky.

There was more than one!

Murphy couldn't help but feel a wave of despair rush over him.

Did God have something against him? Against such a creature, he wouldn't even be able to defeat one of them, let alone several.

The citizens, who were cleaning up the battlefield, suddenly felt a powerful presence. As soon as they looked up at the sky and saw the creatures, they felt their legs go weak and give out from under them, and many fell to the ground!

For these ordinary people, these monsters, with wings that spanned more than 20 meters, were undoubtedly the same as the dragons of the mythological era! It was simply impossible to defeat such a terrible creature, so their only hope was that the creatures wouldn't attack them!

One, two, three…

Six Karazan Hurricane Pterodactyls hovered above the town of Athens, and their huge bodies almost covered the entire sky!

The six Karazan Hurricane Pterodactyls hovered in the sky, picking out their "food," but none of them launched an attack just yet. Their eyes were all fixed on the largest Karazan Hurricane Pterodactyl.

Obviously, that pterodactyl was their leader.

If they started their attack before their leader had even started enjoying its food, that would be equivalent to insulting their leader's dignity!

Murphy couldn't help but reveal a hint of a wry smile. At a time like this, even if he knew what they were doing, what was the point of knowing it?

After inspecting the "food" below for a long time, the largest Karazan Hurricane Pterodactyl set its sights on Murphy. It let out a sharp scream, spread its wings, and flew toward him!

"Bring it on!" Murphy shouted internally.

General Hamilton's body, which was lying at his feet, seemed to give him boundless courage!

He picked up a spear used by the Spartan infantry and held it high in front of him. He calmly calculated the angle at which the pterodactyl was flying toward him. Just the impact alone would be enough to claim his life.

On this day, Murphy had experienced too many ups and downs.

He didn't know why, but at that moment he felt at peace with himself.

He raised his spear and held his hands flat against it, then bent down into a lunge. He knew that this was the only way he could maximize his attack power and have a chance at harming the large creature.

But at that moment, time seemed to stand still.

The Karazan Hurricane Pterodactyl, whose wings spanned more than 20 meters, rushed toward Murphy, and everyone's eyes turned to Murphy, who was staggering to his feet and raising his spear.

Not far away, on a rooftop about 100 meters from the central town square...

The slim, shadowy figure took out the longbow that was on her back. Then she took out an arrow from the quiver that was about 85 centimeters long. This arrow was made out of a silver-white metal and had intricate patterns carved in it. The arrowhead was triangular, and the fletching was made of dark green feathers. Nocking an arrow to her bow, the slender figure suddenly used a tremendous amount of strength, her entire body becoming taut as she pulled the bowstring back to form a full moon.

An emerald green light flooded out from the jewel in her chest. It flowed down the thick but simple bow and poured into the cluster of silver-white arrows.

Her sharp gaze was focused on the Karazan Hurricane Pterodactyls, and a silvery-white radiance appeared once again in her pupils.

In the era of cold weapons, the length of arrows was standardized. Most crossbows were over three feet long, which was more than 70 centimeters, and most arrows were roughly two feet and five inches long, which was between 50 to 60 centimeters.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

In an instant...

Just as the Karazan Hurricane Pterodactyl flew down...

A sharp arrow pierced through the air. A strange light that seemed to have been blessed with some sort of power shot right through its head!

And Murphy, who was exhausting all his strength, also stabbed the spear in his hand at a 45-degree angle.