Harpy (Part 1)

To the north of the southern plains, in the hinterlands of the Karazan Mountains, on a cliff about 150 kilometers from Murphy's territory...

Was the lair of the Karazan Hurricane Pterodactyls.

And it had attracted an unexpected visitor.

Rose Moonwalker's slender body leapt above the steep wall that was about three to five meters tall. To an ordinary person, it would be extremely difficult to climb, but with just a slight jump, the slim figure ascended the wall like a light breeze, and it seemed to be no problem at all for her.

A pure black kitten lay on her skinny shoulders. Its oily, green eyes narrowed slightly, and it yawned lazily.

"Tailan Yali, please be serious," Rose Moon-Walker said, gently flicking the head of the little black kitten with a serious expression on her face. Slowly, she continued: "We have yet to find out who influenced the Karazan Hurricane Pterodactyls and made them violent. These men who are puppeteers from the dark who disrupt the balance of nature won't be easy to deal with!"

"Meow!" The little black kitten shook its head and stroked its beard with its small claws and said, "I can only sense an evilness. Based on the fluctuations in elemental energy, these dark men aren't that powerful."

One person and one cat stood silently at the peak of the Karazan Mountains.

The mountain winds roared, and the wild winds blew the cloak that Rose Moonwalker was wearing. The slender figure stood like a tight bow, and her stance was inexplicably firm yet fluid.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

In the evening, as the sun was setting...

Rose Moonwalker, who had been silently standing in place, suddenly opened her eyes. She turned her gaze toward the distant mountain walls and said suddenly: "Something has happened!"

"Meow! Stop it. Don't grab me!" Rose Moonwalker ignored the little black kitten's complaints, grabbed it, and put it on her shoulders. The slender figure altered her stance and stepped into the sky like a flying sword that had been shot into the air. The thin figure soared more than ten meters through the air and landed on an old tree. Then, with the tips of her toes, she gently stepped on a tree branch and descended. After landing, she leaned forward and hurried toward the next of the Karazan Hurricane Pterodactyls that was not too far away!

"Slow down, I just finished eating," the little black kitten said. It scratched its head and tightly grasped its cloak with its small paws.

As one of the moonwalkers, Rose Tyland held material needs in very low regard.

The ancient elves had given her the ability to draw energy from moonlight. For her, walking in the endless wilderness was simply more of a habit as far as food was concerned.

The long years had made her accustomed to eating something every day.

If even this was forgotten...

She was afraid that she would become as lifeless as the ancient tree of life…

If a strong person like herself didn't even need to eat, how was she different from the ancient trees rooted in the earth?

. . . . . . . . . . . .

"It's a harpy!" This time, the moonwalker, who was hiding in the darkness, saw the person who had started it all!

Rose Moonwalker stood quietly in the shadows, and her slender figure blurred under the influence of some unknown force and merged almost perfectly with the shadow of the moon. She couldn't be seen in the slightest.

"They're holding a sacrificial ritual!" The little black kitten's emerald green eyes glowed faintly as it watched a group of harpies gathering outside the lair of the Karazan Hurricane Pterodactyls. It said: "I'm not too sure about the formation of the ritual, but it seems to be some kind of sordid and obscene sacrifice!"

At the front of the Karazan Hurricane Pterodactyl's nest, there was a take-off platform that had been created by the pterodactyls.

As a creature that was like a wyrm with no forelimbs, the Karazan Hurricane Pterodactyls were unable to take off as easily as other flying creatures. Before taking off, they often needed a diving platform to facilitate their acceleration. This allowed them to enter a state of flight as soon as possible. Because the Hurricane Pterodactyls only had hind feet and wings, the creature had a large size and good combat effectiveness compared to other dragon species. But without any front claws, it also meant that it was inconvenient for them to do many things, like eating.

Other dragon species could use their front claws to tear apart and devour other creatures, but this sub-dragon creature could only draw up its legs and lean on its back paws.

During the long evolutionary process, the Hurricane Karazan Pterodactyls' mouths had become larger, and it had gradually developed more fangs. It had already become accustomed to swallowing some smaller creatures whole.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

The number of harpies totaled about thirty.

This creature had the head, arms, and body of a female, and huge vulture wings. Their hair was made of a bunch of feathers, and their eyes shimmered coldly. In terms of the creature's physical appearance, it was no less beautiful than the elves, but of course, you had to ignore the feathers, vulture wings, and claws on their bodies. There weren't any male harpies. Their bloodline was passed down through other creatures. As females, they would capture the males of other creatures as their mates.

In the ancient legends, the harpies were once descendants of the elven bloodline.

However, some unpredictable mutation had caused them to look like they did now. Not to mention, their minds had also been warped by the mutation.

In front of the platform of the Karazan Hurricane Pterodactyl's nest was an unknown dark red substance that was used to draw a formation more than five meters across in diameter on the ground. The formation was a nine-pointed star, and in the center was a small altar. There were also a variety of odd objects placed around the altar, including the skull of some unknown creature. Something reminiscent of incense was lit, and the center of the altar was enveloped by a layer of smog.

"Weren't these evil creatures exiled to the underground world? How are they able to reappear in the surface world again?" Rose Moonwalker asked, furrowing her brows. Her keen eyes were fixed on the harpies, who were performing some kind of ceremony. She took the simple and sturdy longbow from her back and slowly readied an arrow on the string of the bow.

"There are nearly half of the high-level priests of the harpies!" the little black kitten said. Its oily green eyes flashed as they underwent some special change, and a silvery-white light circulated in its green pupils. With its small claws, it pointed to the harpies that stood in the middle of the ritual with their sacrifice and said: "That's their leader! It may be the high priest of the harpies or even the queen of the harpies!"

The kitten was referring to a priest who had a body full of feathers as white as snow. It looked different from the other harpies.

This harpy had more prominent elven characteristics. She had a pair of hands under her wings and was wearing a white robe inlaid with silver thread. Her ears were narrow, and her facial features were charming. Furthermore, her lower body was also different from the other harpies. She had a pair of slender legs. She was tall and slender, just like those pure-blooded elves. The harpy leader's fingers were slender and snow-white, and on them were two rings. One was inlaid with rubies, while the other was sculpted into a pair of wings with some silvery-white metal that wasn't glowing.

The arrow was notched on the bow.

Rose Moonwalker pulled the bowstring back into a full moon, and her keen eyes locked onto the harpy leader.


A sharp arrow cut through the air like lightning striking across the sky, and it flew straight toward the leader of the harpies, who was hosting the ritual!