Charge! (Part 1)

There was a saying in the central mainland.

When fighting a tiger, rely on your blood brothers; when fighting a war, rely on your fathers and sons!

On the battlefield, there was nothing more comforting than having a dependable person you could rely on.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Five minutes later.

Murphy turned around and got on his horse!

The General Guard cavalries followed his movements and got on their horses in an orderly manner, following behind him without saying a word.

Murphy raised his hand and gestured for them to move toward the side of the battlefield.

The leader of the General Guards nodded, and using his whip, took 16 knights from the General Guard with him. Their horses galloped in that direction. Shortly after, Murphy turned back and looked at them for a brief moment. With the remaining knights, he dashed toward the other side of the battlefield!

When they were close to 200 meters away from the battlefield, all the knights let out a roar in unison!

The horses' hooves thundered across the ground as they galloped across the field, and the two rows of cavalries galloped toward the battlefield in an arc.

Under cover of the night sky, the 33 knights were actually able to simulate the appearance of a small-scale charging platoon of knights!

On the battlefield, the gnolls, who had been affected by the murderous shouting, could only listen to the thundering hooves of the galloping horses and the roars of their enemies coming from all directions!

They were counter-surrounded!

The besieged Psaiyans were completely in shock!

Their formation, which had almost been broken up by the gnolls earlier on, was now fully regrouped once again.

In this situation, where a human was filled with hope, the strong desire to survive that erupts from within can be rather terrifying!

150 meters!

100 meters!

Murphy had a resolute expression on his face. He looked just like a sculpture.

He knew that this kind of impression they were simulating wouldn't be able to last for too long, even with the night sky as cover.

This was because once the distance closed between them, the gnolls would realize that the sound coming from the cavalries' galloping horses wasn't that powerful, and the people making the noises from all sides weren't as many as they had expected there to be.

Before this happened, it would be a matter of whether the leader of the Psaiyans could seize the opportunity or not.

50 meters!

30 meters!

When they were roughly 30 meters away, the General Guard knights violently threw the javelins in their hands and tossed them in the direction of the gnolls!

The force coupled with the horse's speed gave the first batch of javelins thrown out great lethality.

The 32 javelins landed in the area where the most gnolls were gathered. After this, the painful wails of the gnolls could be heard. Whether it was the gnolls whose bodies were penetrated by javelins, or the gnolls who had been pinned to the ground by several javelins but had yet to die, they all struggled and let out sorrowful wails!

The cavalries turned their horses around before the gnolls could have a better read of the situation and drew closer to try and pull away and maintain a distance.

After the first offensive round of javelins...

The leader of the General Guards and Murphy made a gesture at the same time. The cavalries deliberately spread out to form a ring-shaped equestrian archery formation. They increased their speed and surrounded the battlefield to form the formation.

Murphy clenched his hands tightly into fists and ordered the cavalries to throw the second wave of javelins.

There were still three more minutes!

At most, there were still three more minutes!

After three minutes and the fourth round of javelin throwing, the gnolls would soon realize that their enemies weren't as many in number as they had expected them to be.

And the impression they had been able to create with the help of the cover of the night would also soon disappear in an instant!

In three minutes.

If the Psaiyans were unable to seize the opportunity to launch a counterattack, then Murphy would leave with the General Guard knights.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

The Psaiyan leader, who was more than two meters tall, used white powder to draw a white mark across his chest and roared loudly. This man had a muscular body and was holding onto a battleaxe. He roared and grabbed the corpse of a gnoll to use it as a shield against his opponent's attacks. Shortly after, he swung his axe and chopped off the head of a senior male gnoll.

All of a sudden, the sound of hooves thundering across the ground and murderous shouting were all around him.

This discovery shocked him. His already tired body seemed to be full of strength once again all of a sudden.

However, he soon realized that something wasn't right.

Although the murderous shouting was loud, the sound from the galloping horses wasn't so loud that it could shake the earth, even slightly, which meant that there weren't a large number of cavalries approaching.

A wave of javelins landed on the heads of the gnolls. The calvaries had shot and killed the gnolls, who were blocking outside the circle formation.

A clean sound sliced through the air.

However, the sounds were few in number.

As the heir of a barbarian tribe, Utors was a veteran warrior who had been through many battles and was able to quickly calculate the number of reinforcements.

It was a cavalry that had barely 40 people in it.

Enough. That was enough!

To him, that was enough.

Utors was a symbol of ferocity and brutality. He was the heir of the Psaiyan clan and considered a warrior who had a heroic bloodline by the clan's shaman priest. This powerful warrior could kill a tiger from the plains with his bare hands. He let out a ferocious roar, took out a small bottle, and poured whatever was inside it into his mouth.

This roar seemed to convey some sort of message!

Because more than a dozen of the strong warriors surrounding him took out the exact same bottle and poured the liquid into their mouths.

Shortly after, a violent atmosphere brewed among them.

After drinking the special stimulant-like liquid, their spirits were roused. Shortly after, their eyes became bloodshot and turned red, and their heartbeats accelerated. The veins in their arms popped out from the blood racing through their bodies and were like earthworms hanging on their skin. It was hideous and terrifying!

They roared and howled. Wielding their huge battleaxes, they abandoned all their defensive capabilities and rushed toward the group of gnolls in an almost suicidal-like charge.

This was kind of like a signal.

A sense of tragedy could be seen on the faces of all the remaining Psaiyan warriors.

They let out a roar in unison and launched a counterattack alongside one another against the gnolls who had been beating them down.

Even the warriors, who were already seriously injured, struggled to get up and held onto their weapons tightly with both hands.

In the tradition of the Psaiyans, a brave warrior was supposed to die on the battlefield!

They drank the Holy Water that had been bestowed upon them by the shaman priest and awakened the power of their ancestors in their bodies. This was the final glory of a brave Psaiyan warrior!

When these warriors, who had been given the title of brave warriors by the shaman priests, drank the Holy Water, it meant that these warriors were already resolved to die! They would go forward! They would cut down any opponents that got in their way! They would do so until they lost their lives!

With the strike of an axe, Utors split a gnoll in half! Blood gushed out and spurted roughly a meter high into the air and splashed onto Utors' body. The bloody smell that came from the scalding blood eased his throat, which was parched with desire. The bloody smell stimulated the beastly nature deep inside his soul. He tore off the arm of a gnoll and bit off a piece of meat, chewing it in his mouth. He ignored the wound on his back from the sneak attack of a gnoll and walked forward and roared, heading toward his next target. With a ferocious and terrifying smile on his face, he once again raised his huge battleaxe with a curling smile.

He would leave the enemies behind him to the other warriors.

What he was going to do now was move forward and keep moving forward!

Until he fell!!!

These dozen Psaiyan warriors, who were all taller than ordinary people, fiercely smashed into the main gnoll formation like a heavy hammer!

In just a short amount of time, even though they had almost double the numbers, the gnolls suffered a crushing defeat by the warriors' violent charge!