Scene 2 : Impossible (2)

She paced back and forth in a room - which they said was her room - Lilian's.

Lilian Lesnerg!

Oh My God!!!

Somehow she end up in her body and this world. In Ha searched to all the settings - this building. This real mansion was not just a filming property. This vast and beautiful garden has never been seen before. And certainly, this was not a modern era where wifi, telephone or satellite cables are scattered around the environment.

In Ha was too surprised to be able to digest all of this. Nearly two days she cried her heart out. Her eyes were badly swollen. The people around her panicked and did not know what to do. They sent a letter to Lilian's parents, who in fact were she avoided to meet.

She, Seo In Ha, South Korean's top antagonist artist, migrated into a script whose title doesn't even exist, but the content she remembers was very detailed. There was no Seo In Ha anymore, there was only Lilian Lesnerg, a pathetic protagonist whom she has avoided so much.

"Miss, do you want me to prepare a snack?" Anna, the servant assigned to serve her, asked after knocking on the door. In Ha peeked through her swollen eyes.

"No thanks. I'm not in the mood."

"But Miss, you haven't eaten properly in two days ..."

She said in a worried voice. Anna was a young girl picked up and taken by Lilian's father from the streets when she was ten years old. Based on the script she read, Anna was Lilian's loyal servant until the end of her life. She did not hesitate to sacrifice himself and do all the dirty work for Lilian.

In Ha sit and pull the blanket that arround her body.

"Alright ..."

She allowed her to prepare the meals. Maybe she could think clearly if she was full. For now, she should get used to being able to adapt until this was all over.

That's how she thought.


Two months just passed by.

"Arrhhh ..."

In Ha let out a frustrated sigh. The more she thought about it, the more she didn't like it. Lilian's life was too orderly and boring. She had no time to relax. In order not to be suspected, In Ha followed all the classes given and all of her attitudes followed Lilian's attitude. Her superb memory remembered clearly all the details about her so she tried to act like the character 'Lilian'. But she couldn't afford to smile all the time.

Her role was to grin evily while revealing her fangs. As she recalled, it was at these times, Lilian really craved the love from her closest people. She struggled and thought about how to 'get out' from here.

Did she have to follow the flow according to the script? But if this continues for the next year, then it was certain that Lilian's life will end in her brother's hands.

No! Now this is her life that will end in the hands of 'her brother'.

She also thought what if she turns the plot as she wishes? Perhaps if it was true that there were still people who love Lilian sincerely, then her life will be safe and secure, everything will end happily and then return her to her original world?

"Arrghhhh ..."

She squeezed both sides of her hair.

"Miss, what are you doing?! Look at your appearance! It's gonna be a mess!" Anna immediately approached and fixed it after saying 'excuse me.'

"Hey, Anna ..."

"Yes, My Lady?"

"What do I have to do for people to like me?"

"What are you saying? Who doesn't like you? Tell me and I will mention all your good point! It impossible to not like you!" Anna ruffled her waist and raised her fist.

In these two months, only Anna has interacted the most with her. Occasionally she chatted with this mansion butler, Swarviz, or with his knight, Edmund who often accompanied and waited while she took classes. Anna also conveyed rumors circulating about her here. Servants called her in the phase of searching for identity.

Well they were not wrong.

Twenty-eight-year-old woman plays a 17-year-old character, certainly not an easy one. She often plays her own young character, but wasn't this a bit too much?

"Arggh .... " She sighed again.

"Miss ..."

In Ha looked at Anna. Her worried expression was truly adorable. As she recalled, the difference in age between Anna and Lilian did not differ greatly. Anna was older than her by two years.

"May I say something?"

In Ha nodded and murmured. "Yes please."

"Nine years ago when I was picked up by Mr. Duke, Miss was the first person I liked since arriving at this mansion. Miss always cheerful, doing everything with all her heart and it makes my Lady shine more than anyone in my eyes! Because of that...Miss ... you just have to be yourself as you are. I'm sure no one will not love you."

Right, Lilian was someone like that. She did everything wholeheartedly but her disappointment hardened her heart and turned it into hatred.

"Ah right ... this morning, a letter from the young master came, he said if there is nothing wrong, the day after tomorrow he would return here."

"Huh ... Arthur will be back?"

"Yes! Are you happy, my Lady? You haven't seen a young master in a long time, right? I'm sure he'll be surprised to see you grow this pretty."

"Arthur will be back..."

Suddenly In Ha was filled with anxiety. The beginning of all these events was when Lilian's brother returned from the academy.

What to do? Should she act like Lilian? Or does she just need to act like herself? Or is it like the actress In Ha?

In Ha tapped her fingers on her lips, her habit when she thinking. The time Arthur returned, Lilian, who had grown into a lady, welcomed her brother gracefully, hoping that her brother would flatter and praise her attitude but all she got was only a nod.

Their relationship has not progressed since then.

"Anna, didn't you say I have an invitation to tea party at Mrs. Phelps?"

"Yes, Miss. You are invited. It will be held next week. You should start attend a small party like that and represent the Duchess before your coming age ceremony next year."

Lilian's mother, Agnelia, Duchess of Lesnerg, told her child to start attending invitations that were intended for her so that she could socialize and build beneficial relationships. Young nobles around her age would gather and talk and spend time together. It was Lilian's chance to build her own fleet before destroying the Duke's house.

"Anna, prepare simple clothes and accessories to greet Arthur tomorrow. The Elegant and classy one." In Ha told Anna.

In Ha was determined. She would play her role as In Ha the actress.


In Ha - no, Lilian, watching the carriage coming in from the gate slowly approach their Mansion. That black carriage show the symbol of a lily sticking in front of it.

Lilian took a deep breath. 'It's time to act'. She gracefully descended from the stairs, followed by Anna from behind. The carriage carrying Arthur arrived in front of the mansion when Lilian was halfway to welcome him.

In the past five years, according to the script, Lilian and Arthur only had met twice. It seems the script in her favor.

Lilian approached the figure who had set foot on the mansion's door.