Scene 9 : Curious

Arthur did not return her smile or answer. Lilian was getting restless.

Why is this person so difficult to deal with?

Not responding when someone spoken to was rude, if Lilian could, she would teach him a lesson because he behaved insolently to someone older than him.

Mathematically, her age as In Ha was six years older than Arthur. So compared to her as a mature woman, the person next to her was just a cheeky brat.

"Ah ... well ... it seems like you're busy." Lilian was tired keeping her smile. "Let's have a tea together when your business is over. Just let me know later, right brother?"

Arthur continued without turning or give her a reply, again! Lilian was still thinking of a way to break their ice relationship, but her reverie was interrupted.

"Sorry, Arthur usually not like that. You can't blame him, he's very busy. I'll let you know when his schedule free." Marianne held her arm and then gracefully followed Arthur.

Lilian squinted her eyes.

'Excuse me young lady, when you emphasized the usually word, did you mean Arthur usually behaved better in front of you?

Jezzz ... I'm sorry Marianne, you don't have to bother to build a good relationship with me because in the end, the person who stalked Arthur and badmouthed me in front of him was you!'

"You really have a thousand faces, but this one is really scary." Michael rested his arms on Lilian's shoulder and chuckled at the departure of his two comrades.

Lilian brushed aside his arm. "None of your business!"

"Oww ... you don't need to be this rude." He stroked his arm. "Instead of Arthur, why don't I join you for a tea in your room? I'm free, after all." Michael suggested his opinion.

"Please have a tea in your own." Lilian ignored his word and leave. She needed a new strategy.

"Hey where are you going?" Michael's voice sank into the wind, along with the figure of Lilian who disappeared round the corner.

Michael smiled. Although Lilian was cold, even inclined to be rude, Michael did not care. Since he first met her, Lilian had caught his attention. Not many know if Michael could read the personality and character of others correctly and accurately, so when he saw Lilian, he was amazed. That girl did not try to attract his attention, but instead desperately sought Arthur's attention. And that raises a big questions for him.


Why Arthur?

He was curious and itchy to reveal what Lilian's intentions were.


Arthur took up a new room provided by the academy with his colleagues. They were given three days to choose some of their juniors to join his division before the other divisions did the same when their turn came. Some people have prepared a file containing the strongest candidate's biodata.

Arthur's division was the first division of attack and protection strategy under the division of defense minister. The official position of this division were no different from cavalry.

They will choose ten potential people and bring them to the imperial palace to practice. If these noble children get the highest score at the end of the assessment, then they could secure further employment after graduating from the academy. Of course if they want it.

"Look at the file that I gave, choose each of the two candidates, and choose one potential person on the last day. We use this method if something happens like last year. "

"Okay. I'm done."

All eyes were on the man who handed over the file of his choice before Arthur. Arthur tried to control his expression when he saw only one file he gave.

"You can consider two people, Your Highness."

Michael, grinned and returned to his seat. "There is no need, I have settled on my choice."

Logan, first lieutenant, who was next to Arthur frowned.

"That's a girl."

Their division was clearly filled by almost all men.There were no women in it. Except this girl next to him, and her position also only around the office, not in the field

"Isn't it time to make a change?" Michael expressed his opinion.

Marianne took the file in Logan's hand. "This is your sister, right? Arthur?"

Arthur looked at his colleagues before answering 'yes'.

"Michael, I'm sorry to say this, but I don't think she is fit in our division." Marianne added quickly. "Of course I don't mean to say she's not talented, but I'm not sure women like Lilian can survive. Isn't that right, Arthur?" Marianne implicitly said that Lilian was a noble's daughter who could not work hard.

Their division was the leading division that requires a mentality as strong as steel.

A picture of Lilian, in her dress and smiling broadly like most noble daughters, appeared in Arthur's head. Arthur felt Marianne's words had a point. He was sure Lilian could not even ride on a horse.

"As her brother, I suggest you replace her, Mike. She is too delicate to join us."

"You can use your position to reject this submission, Captain." Logan pulled Lilian's file back and handed it to Arthur.

"So all of you reject my decision?" Michael looked at them one by one.

"Forgive me, Your Highness. But I think of Lady Lilian's safety." Marianne raised her hand.

Logan raised his hand. "Me too."

Apart from Arthur, one person left who sit beside Michael only shrugged, abstained.

So far, two people rejected his proposal.

"You should agree!" Michael scowled at the person next to him. Ian reluctantly nod.

Now two against two, then the final decision be on Arthur.