Scene 11 : Full of Warmth

Among the seniors who looked at her in amazement, only Michael seemed extremely happy. He snapped his fingers at Arthur.

"See?! without needing to persuade her, she went of her own choice." Michael could not help whispering in Arthur's ear. At least, Lilian passed the first condition he need.

Arthur only saw a glimpse to the hall, indeed, Lilian was the only woman left behind. Arthur silently questioned his vision, but this was real! Lilian did choose his division. He had mixed feelings that couldn't be explained.

Logan, returning to his usual expression after overcoming his astonishment, switched the attention and continued. "We thank those who remain, but, because of the limited quota, among all of you only ten people will join us."

All participants who lag behind, glanced each other, measuring the strengths and weaknesses of each opponent who might be accepted. Seemed like friend today would be foe tomorrow.

Lilian, who already knew who would be accepted, sat up straight. The problem was, among the ten people, she was not included one of them. That means she would have to kick one person out of the list. Lilian originally joined the third division, the economic and transportation division, which made her a step closer to her rebellion.

There was no law that requires women to take political tests or the like. Here, women only need to accompany their husbands and represent their family in social activities. Only certain women who get special permission from the King can have important positions in the royal ranks. Although still limited by strict rules for women.

Logan's voice came back again. "Our captain, Lord Arthur Joshuan Lesnerg, will announce about the test."

Arthur stood in Logan's previous position. Along with his deep, low voice, the first test notification was announced,

"Tomorrow you will have a theoretical test first, the material being tested is related to this division. You have to gather here tomorrow at 9."

He scanned all the young noble face in front of him. "Anyone who is late, even for a second, will be declared fail."

His voice was dominating and full of confidence. There was a magnamatic charm in it which tickled her ears, making Lilian dreamy.

'Ahh ... too bad he is this Lilian's own brother.'

Lilian sighed involuntarily. Wait a minute! What if he's not Lilian's brother? What would she do? Ughh! Lilian should checked her psychic. How could she think of something that was heading in a dangerous direction?

"Lady Lilian, are you sure you are enrolled in this major?"

Lilian startled, looked up. The candidate who was rumored to be her fiancé approached and stood in front of her.

"Mr. Linnz ..."

"Please call my name, hearing you call me like that, sounds very formal." Colin sat beside her.

"... Sir Colin."

Colin seen happy like a kid when Lilian said his name.

"Did you also register yourself?" she asked.

Lilian knew Colin was one of the participants who passed. Should she make him out of this competition?

Without Colin knowing, Lilian thought of a way to get rid of him. Colin who had no idea about Lilian's bad intentions extended his hand. Lilian was shocked when Colin tucked her hair smoothly.

"... Sir Colin?"

Colin looked embarrassed and pulled his hand back.

"I thought that would block your view, so without thinking I ... forgive me for my impoliteness."

Even though he apologized, Lilian only saw the look in his eyes full of warmth without the slightest guilt. She couldn't help but muttered in her head,

'Ow, this boy is so sweet...'

If Lilian hadn't think about his age that was still too young, Lilian would definitely not mind starting a relationship with a sweet person once in a while

"Well, it's okay—"

"What are you two doing?"

A thunderous voice interrupted Lilian's words. Lilian and Colin turned their heads together. They found Michael standing towering before them.

Since when was he there? Wasn't he down there, on the stage with the others? Lilian leaned back, Arthur and the others were gone.

"Your Highness ..."

Colin immediately stood up and bowed. He awkwardly glanced at Lilian who looked indifferent.

"I ask what are you two doing?" Michael repeated the question.

Lilian stared at Michael before turned her gaze at Colin. "Sir Colin, I think you should get ready for tomorrow."

Colin who grasped Lilian's intentions reluctantly said, "Very well. See you later, Miss Lilian." He greeted Michael again and bowed before leaving them alone.

"Is something wrong, Your Highness?"

Michael caught nothing different from Lilian's attitude, the girl remained indifferent to him.

The feeling of annoyance that he suddenly felt when he saw Lilian with other men did not disappear, but gradually thinned.

"Who is he?"


"That man."

Lilian's eyes narrowed. "Your Highness, without diminishing my respect, I wanna ask you. Are you in love with me? Because your question sounds like someone who is jealous."

Michael stared at her eyes before his laughter could be heard. "Pfftt, your joke isn't bad, Milady."

Lilian argued with herself whether to push Michael and unmask him now, or heed him like unnecessary weeds. She began to leave the meeting room with Michael following her.

She wanted to convey to this man that falling in love with her would only make him miserable, but her telepathy was only in vain because it was impossible for him to read her mind.

'No, that absolutely can't happen.'

"Uhm ... why are you following me?" Lilian realized after a while that Michael remained beside her since they left.

"I'm not following you, just coincidentally we are headed in the same direction." Michael answered casually without Lilian knowing he was glaring at anyone who crossed their eyes with Lilian, especially men.

"Ah, by the way, I can let you join us if you want."


Michael stopped in front of Lilian with a bright smile.