Chapter 2: The Return of Heaven's Proud Son (Part 2)


Ji Anning didn't know how long she had been unconscious, but as her consciousness gradually returned, she slowly opened her eyes. She felt pain everywhere.

Her temples throbbed as if they were about to explode.

The curtains in the room were tightly drawn, leaving it pitch-dark, but she could make out the outlines of furniture and various decorations.

Suddenly, something came to her mind, and her eyes widened in alarm as she turned over.

The sensation of pain made her even more frightened. Gritting her teeth against the pain, she reached for the light switch, and the room lit up.

Everything was unfamiliar. This wasn't her room; this was... a hotel!

Ji Anning looked down at herself, at the white bathrobe hanging loosely over her shoulders, ready to slip off with just a small movement.

Her heart jolted with a start.

This wasn't a dream. Everything from the previous night wasn't a dream. She had been blindfolded, someone had...

Her memory started to return bit by bit. Yesterday was the day she and Jingfeng got engaged, and it was also their 19th birthday.

At the Heavenly Capital Hotel, since she and Jingfeng were both still in school and didn't want the engagement to affect their future school life, Grandpa had chosen to keep the engagement party low-key. The attendees were relatives from the Ji Family, not a single person from the business world was invited, nor was the media alerted.

Only some relatives from the Ji Family were present. There weren't many people. She remembered that she had only had one glass of champagne handed to her by her mother. How come she had lost consciousness afterward?

How did she end up in this room, how was she...


As for the memories of last night, aside from the pain, there was only that one tender call.

Could it have been Jingfeng?

As she held her head, desperately searching for evidence to determine whether the person from last night was Ji Jingfeng, she suddenly heard the familiar ringtone of her phone. It was hers. She found her phone under the pillow, and the caller ID showed 'Jingfeng'.

Her guilt-stricken eyes flickered for a moment. She adjusted her state of mind before answering the phone and, feeling anxious, she tentatively said, "Hello?"

"An'an, are you up yet?"

Ji Jingfeng's voice and tone were as gentle and natural as always, without any change.

This normalcy made Ji Anning feel even more uncertain. "Jingfeng, about last night, I..."

She was hesitant to ask the question she wanted to ask. Ji Jingfeng cut her off as she struggled to speak, "You had too much to drink and fell asleep in the room. When it was time to leave, Mom didn't have the heart to wake you up, so after discussing it with Grandpa, they decided to let you stay in the hotel."

"And you?" Ji Anning asked almost instinctively. After asking, she gripped her phone tightly, nervously awaiting Ji Jingfeng's answer.

"Anning, something urgent came up with a classmate of mine last night, and I went to help out. It was too late, so I didn't come home," Ji Jingfeng explained, then his tone suddenly became hesitant, "When you get home later, could you... tell Mom that we spent last night together?"

Could you tell Mom that we spent last night together...