Chapter 19 She Will Eventually Be Mine (Part 3)

Ji Anning had just reached the group extras center when the crowd of background actors in front of her suddenly became excited and looked towards their right.

Qi Helian? That Qi family's fifth young master, the young owner of Xinqi Film and Television... the Qi Movie King?

Is he starring in this drama?

Ji Anning's eyes widened as she started to get nervous.

What to do, Qi Helian and Ji Chicheng are childhood friends so close they might as well wear the same pair of pants, and he has seen her, although only two or three times, and each time it was just a brief glance.

But what if Young Master Qi has an especially good memory and recognizes her?

She turned her head timidly with a nervous heart toward the direction everyone was looking.

What a beautiful face it was, one she had seen in her childhood. The title 'Qi Beauty' was not given without merit.

But Ji Chicheng was the only person bold enough to call him 'Qi Beauty' to his face.

The man was wearing a white T-shirt, with blue reflective sunglasses, and his hands were casually tucked in the pockets of his light blue cropped pants as he strolled leisurely towards their side.

He was followed by two people, a man and a woman, one holding an umbrella for him and the other carrying a drink and a script for him.

This is what a true A-lister looks like!!!

Ji Anning, nervous, opened her mouth, forgetting to react, until Qi Helian came up beside her, when she suddenly turned around, lowered her head, and deliberately, quite obviously, avoided him.

Qi Helian just happened to walk beside her, her sudden actions catching his attention.

"Am I that frightening?" Qi Helian stopped, slightly turned his face, and looked at Ji Anning with an expressionless face.

Ji Anning, not daring to look at him, shook her head and said, "No."

Qi Helian frowned. "Then why are you avoiding me?"

If you, Young Master Qi, are so high and mighty, can't you just not linger around this crowd of extras? Don't you think it undermines the status of Qi Movie King?

Ji Anning's palms were sweating nervously as she was worrying about how to answer Qi Helian when suddenly someone's phone rang. The ringtone was a song by the mainland's little diva, Xiao Jiaqi, quite pleasant to the ear.


The ringing stopped, replaced by Qi Helian's voice.

A phone call diverted Qi Helian's attention; he talked as he walked towards the director's location.

"Did I hear wrong? You're coming to visit me on set?"

"True brotherhood, that's the spirit. Come over quick, I've just got one scene today."

Qi Helian's voice got more distant, and Ji Anning breathed a sigh of relief, wiping the sweat off her forehead.

What to do? If Qi Helian recognizes her later, it'll be over for her.

"Is that a new person?"

"New person? That's Yueyue's stunt double."

"Ha, these days, girls will use any trick to climb the ladder."

Two women not far away, one with a bob haircut and the other with a ponytail, looked at Ji Anning and discussed her.