Chapter 28: Revisiting 'Nightmare' (Part Two)

He really seemed like he had never gotten close to any girl, his indifference almost hurting all the girls who had ever pursued him.

Thinking about it, his treatment of Danning was indeed special. If it weren't for Danning, in that home, she and he would have had no chance to interact.

It was always because of Danning that they would occasionally walk home together after school.

At that time, they attended a school that combined elementary and junior high, so they were at the same school.

Yang Danning was extremely happy all the way, unable to hide her excited feelings, chatting with Ji Anning, with every other sentence about Ji Chicheng.

Ji Anning rested her arm on the car window, the wind blowing in her face, her lips curling into a knowing smile.


The luxurious living room was void of people, eerily quiet.

After changing her shoes, Ji Anning led Yang Danning into the house. Yang Danning ran ahead of her as if entering her own home, not at all restrained.

In fact, every time she came over, she acted even more like the owner than her.

"Where's your family?" Yang Danning asked Ji Anning, puzzled, after scanning the spacious living room upon entering.

Ji Anning shook her head lightly, indicating she didn't know either.

"Oh, Danning's here."

Just then, a familiar woman's voice came from upstairs. Ji Anning looked up and smiled, "Mom."

Yang Yufang came down the stairs, quickly approaching.

"Are you hungry, dear? I'll get something ready in the kitchen for you to snack on. It'll tide you over until Chicheng gets back, then you can eat," Yang Yufang said, looking at Ji Anning with a face full of love.

"I'm not hungry," Ji Anning replied to Yang Yufang, then turned to Yang Danning. "What about you, Danning? Are you hungry?"

Yang Danning touched her stomach, smacked her lips, and said, "Not hungry, but I'd eat a bit if there's something tasty."

Seeing her quirky antics, both Ji Anning and Yang Yufang laughed.

Chuckling good-naturedly, Yang Yufang said, "I knew Anning was coming back today, so I baked a cake. I'll go get it for you now."

As she spoke, she turned and walked toward the dining area.

Yang Danning looked at Yang Yufang's retreating figure and sincerely exclaimed to Ji Anning beside her, "Anning, your future mother-in-law is really good to you."

Ji Anning nodded with pursed lips, "Yes, she is."

She really was very good to her; from the moment she entered this family, she treated her as if she were her own daughter, even more attentive than she was to Jingfeng.

She was also the only person in this family who made her feel warmth...

"Third young master."

Suddenly, the butler's voice came from outside the door.

Ji Anning's gaze shifted to the entrance, and there stood the tall figure of the man who had just entered.

Ji Chicheng was wearing a white T-shirt and black athletic pants, with hair slightly damp on his forehead. Ji Anning glanced down at his feet, basketball shoes.

So he had gone out to play basketball.

Basketball was his favorite sport. Back in high school and college, he and Qi Helian had represented Hai City several times to compete against other cities.

Back then, they were the talk of the campus, legendary figures.

Having taken in Ji Chicheng's appearance, Ji Anning gently nudged Yang Danning and whispered teasingly with a smile, "Little auntie, my little uncle has come back."

"Stop it," Yang Danning said, bashfully lowering her head.

Though she protested, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, her feet already sprinted toward him.

"Chicheng brother."

A coquettish 'Chicheng brother' made Ji Anning's whole body shudder with discomfort, and she looked disdainfully at Yang Danning, who had already reached Ji Chicheng.