Chapter 32: Revisiting 'Nightmare' (Part Six)

But recently, she had always been punished because of Ji Anning, and of course, she couldn't accept it, feeling wronged.

Seeing her younger sister cry so heartbreakingly, Ji Xiangting glared at Ji Anning with clenched teeth, "Ji Anning, you're pleased with yourself now, aren't you?"

Yes, she was very pleased!

A girl of fifteen or sixteen should be pure and kind, but she, Ji Ruoqian, hadn't seen even a bit of kindness in her to this day.

At the age of seven, she put a snake in her bedding; at ten, she deliberately stabbed her own arm with a knife when no one was around and framed her, causing her to be punished by kneeling for an entire day and night without a drop of water; at twelve, she set a fire that almost burned her to death.

'Save me, save me...'

'An'an, don't be scared, give me your hand.'

'An'an, I beg you, open your eyes, open your eyes, don't leave me behind.'

If it wasn't for Jingfeng rushing into the flames and desperately saving her, she, Ji Anning, would have disappeared from this world long ago.

In her dazed state, she could feel how tense and desperate he was holding her, calling her name as if he had once experienced that agonizing pain of life-and-death separation, begging her not to leave him behind.

So, when she opened her eyes and saw that the person watching over her bedside was, in fact, Jingfeng, she put away the thought of someday spreading her wings, growing strong, and fleeing the Ji family.

Even though she knew Jingfeng was so anxious about her mostly because she was the person whom the fortune-teller had described as 'the panacea of his lifetime, who will bring him good fortune for life', he did indeed save her in such a dangerous moment, when she was in her most desperate situation; he didn't flinch, didn't retreat, didn't abandon her, but reached out to her.

So how could she disregard his safety and flee, how could she abandon him?

Ji Anning lowered her head and curved her lips into a cold smile, but to the onlookers, at this moment, she looked so humble and pitiful.

Old Master had just erupted in anger and was still furious; Yang Yufang didn't dare to make another mistake. She glared coldly at Ji Xiangting before walking over to Ji Anning, taking her hand, and saying, "Anning, come upstairs with mom."

Ji Anning was dragged up by Yang Yufang.

Yang Danning, feeling a deep ache for Ji Anning, called out to Yang Yufang, "Mom, let me take Anning out for a walk, to clear her mind."

Hearing this, Yang Yufang looked at Ji Anning, knowing that Ji Ruoqian and the others must have deeply hurt her just now; her eyes suddenly reddened, and tears glittered in her gaze.

The emotions she showed were so complex, with love, pity, and even hatred...

"That's fine," Yang Yufang nodded, releasing Ji Anning's hand.

"Let's go, Anning." Yang Danning grabbed Ji Anning's hand and pulled her out of the dining room.

Ignoring the murderous looks from Lin Yanqin and her daughters.

"Ah, ah, ah, that Ji Ruoqian, she's really too much."

Yang Danning didn't stop venting her frustration until they got into the car, "If your uncle hadn't made the first move just now, I would have splashed her with a drink."

Ji Anning smiled noncommittally; she believed that with Yang Danning's personality, she really would do something like that.

Seeing how indifferent Anning was and still able to smile, Yang Danning frowned, "Aren't you angry?"

She asked while starting the car.

Ji Anning shrugged indifferently, "What's there to be angry about? It was just the same old swearing that I've heard all the time."

It really was that. She had become numb to it, so now she didn't feel anything.

"Are you really okay?" Yang Danning frowned and looked at Ji Anning uncertainly.