03-The Hunt

So it's been about 3 months since my parents left me alone. I've got to say, I've never felt better. Living by yourself is not as hard as they made it seem back in my day. Aw snap I should go hunt for my dinner. I wonder what I should go for today. Man I love hunting.

Hey Dakota, what are you doing?

Oh hey Lizzie, I'm just gonna go hunt for my dinner right now. What do you think I should hunt for? I'm thinking I should go for some Mutant hog but I'm not sure.

I think you should go for the Mutant Hog as well. It sounds delicious. So um I was wondering something...

Thank you so much, I will go for so Mutated Hog. Be back in about an hour lizzie see ya.

Oh ok, I guess I'll see you when you get back Dakota. Why didnt I ask him. I guess I'll wait till he gets back. I wonder what a Mutant Hog looks like, mmm what does it taste like?

As I went to hunt for the Mutant Hog I couldnt help but think about how long this will last me. Mutant Hogs are huge. They are basically the size of Black Rhinos back in my day. It's sad that they went extinct. If only people didnt over hunt them. I guess that's called poaching then. It's good I have certain rules to my hunting. Rule number 1:dont hunt females or children. That's my one rule.

Ah theres one of those stinking hogs. Majestic beasts they are, delicious too. Normally with my parents this much meat would last about 2 weeks, by myself maybe 2 months. God I love my life.

On my way back home from my hunt I started to think about what to do with the meat. I think I might ask Lizzie to eat dinner with me, shes my best friend in the village and I don't really want to eat alone.

Hey Lizzie, I'm back from the hunt. How does it look. This beast didnt put up much of a fight so it was kind boring but boy will it taste good.

Oh hey Dakota, it looks amazing. That thing is huge. How did you even carry that thing back by yourself? That should usually take 4 to 5 men.

Well I'm abnormally strong so it's normal for me. It's actually the reason my parents left me alone, they started to fear what I could do with my strength.

I would never be scared of you Dakota, your my best friend.

Thank you Lizzie, but never mind that, would you like to eat this with me tonight. I figured this thing is pretty big and that you might want to try it. So I figured I'd ask you if you would want to eat some, but I would also like for you to cook it, since you're a better cook than me.

Omg yes, I would love to eat dinner with you. I've been waiting for you to ask me. Of course I'll cook it, its basically all I've trained for my entire life. This whole time I've been training to be a good wife, and now I can put it to the test.

Well that's good to hear that you'll cook it. So I guess I'll see you when it's done Lizzie.

Man today is going great, and to think this all started with just a hunt. I've got my best friend making dinner for us and were gonna eat together. Nothing could ruin this day.

Ok the food is done and ready to eat. this will be my first time having Mutant Hog, and it smells delicious. So Dakota how was your day.

My day was amazing, I got to hunt and bring back the food for a great chef to make, and now you and me are eating together. This day couldn't be better.

That's good to hear. My day has been fantastic too cause I got to cook for you. Listen...will you...let me be your wife.

What? You want to be my wife? But I'm only 7, and your 15. Dont you want to marry someone your own age.

No I want to marry you, your the best person in this entire village. Every other guy here is rude and only cares about Mr. Shadowfrost. But your different, you hate Shadowfrost because he took your sister. Plus if I marry you I will be happy and wont have to be part of his harem. So please let me marry you.

Lizzie, I'm sorry I can't. Your my best friend, and I already love someone else. I dont think I can marry someone till I know how she feels about me. I know having multiple wives is normal now but I don't think you want to be part of one.

I'm fine with it as long as it's with you. I've already said your the best person so it's ok.

Alright if your ok with it, I'm fine with it. But dont you think I'm a bit young.

No your actually at a normal age where guys get married. But dont worry we aren't gonna...you know...for a while.

Ok good.

Well today was weird. It started out with some training and then a hunt. The hunt was amazing and the dinner afterword was amazing, and apparently now I'm married.