
Wait Dakota, tell me something real quick. Are you the Dakota that fought with us against Shadowfrost all those years ago?

It was nice to see you too again. It's been a while Coben and A.J.. How long has it been almost 14 years now.

How are you here, we saw you die in front of our eyes. Shadowfrost killed you with his own hands.

Well he did, but I'm back now and I'm going to take him down this time. He has Shinoa and I wont rest until shes safe.

It was all fine and dandy until a villager burst into the chief's house shouting that we were being attacked by beasts.

Dont worry, me and A.J. got this. We'll protect the village from the beasts. Come on let's go A.J..

Chief thanks for letting me build the house. For some old friends it gave me some extra motivation to do it.

At that very moment I rushed out of the house to go help fight the beasts. What I saw I would never forget. The village was being rampaged, people were screaming and running for their lives. Houses were burning down, removing years of hard work. I had never seen so many beasts on one area. There had to be close to about 150. It was a disaster.

Coben and Aj, what are you guys gonna do.

We cant protect the whole village by ourselves. With this many beasts, both of us will have to fight in one spot. I guess we'll take the north part of the village, where the main group of the beasts are.

Then I'll take the west.

Our village was partly surrounded by mountains. It seemed like one of the most safe villages due to the fact we have mountains to our east and south sides. The sheer number of beasts seemed overwhelming, although it was soon over, or so you would think.

Jeez they just keep coming. How could these beast make such a coordinated attack. This isnt a migration. This was clearly planned and thought out.

Then I realized that there must be a high-tier beast around here. Then I heard Coben and Aj scream for help. I rushed over as soon as i killed the last beast on the west side.

Guys what's wrong? Did something happen?

We have a problem. So as we were fighting we figured that this was an organized attack and not a migration due to the fact that there was so many different beasts here. Well were gonna need your help defeating that weeping willow.

A weeping willow? Are you serious? This beast could tear down our entire village like it was nothing. Were lucky it moves slow until provoked.

Weeping willows are mother nature incarnate. They look like normal trees but are much worse. They are actually a beast disguised as a tree. They can communicate to other beasts through an ability called telepathy. It is by far one of the most dangerous beasts.

Coben and Aj you take the rear of the willow and I'll take the front. If were gonna take this thing down, we need power in all sides of it.

Right with you captain, come on Aj let's go.

It felt as if we were fighting for the better of 2 hours to slay that beast. But at long last it was done. Exhausted we all fell to the ground and just talked.

Man it's been a while since I've seen a weeping willow. It's also been awhile since the old days when we were fighting side by side, am I right Dakota. I'm so glad we have our captain back. Coben was a lousy alternative.

Haha...It was fun fighting together just like old times. But I'm not your captain anymore, I'm just Dakota now.

No! You'll always be captain in our eyes. Plus neither of us are good at leading. So how about you come with us, we can have proper leadership then.

I'm sorry boys, I cant go with you. I have to protect this village and the people I love. I'm going to stay.

But what about Shinoa, Dont you want to save her too?

Of course I do. My sister is also there. I dont want either of them to be hurt by him. That's why I'm training every day. I need to be strong enough to beat him this time. I wasnt reborn just to live life happily. My purpose is to kill him. Well I'm off, got to go home and sleep till morning. Plus I promised lizzie I would be home by nightfall.

Wait who's lizzie?

Oh shes my wife in this village.