09- The journey

It was eventually morning. Ifyi didn't get much sleep due to the fact that I kept thinking about the battle. 50 thousand people lost their lives because of me. Today I'm not going to let that get me down. I'm going to take Lizzie exploring the wastelands. It will be her first time out of the village, it will also be my first time going out of the village with someone other than my dad. Life has been so good since they left. I sometimes wonder what they're doing, where they are, or even if they're even alive. All I know is that life since the left has been amazing. I've got a wife, I'm stronger than ever, and I've even got my cousin and best friend back in my life. Theres only one way it could be better, and that's if Shinoa was here and Shadowfrost was dead.

Hey lizzie time to get up, weve got some exploring to do. We are gonna head north for about 2 days and then come back. So a 4 day trip.

Alright Dakota, I'm ready already. I'll meet you outside.

Ok ill be waiting.

As I went outside I couldnt help but notice that the village was really lively today. Everyone was running about and the kids were playing. Oh that's right today's the chiefs birthday. I guess I'll just leave a note wishing him happy birthday. It's hard to think that hes only 36. After I posted the note on our door I stretched a bit and wondered what could be taking her so long.

Sorry I took so long, I had to do something. You ready to go?

Oh umm sure, let's go. So do you know where were headed.

No! I've never left the village before, you know this.

You dont need to have left the village to know where we're going. Legends and stories should tell you where we're going.

So were heading about 2 days north. So we must be going to the tree of legends.

Yes we are, did you know that menand my friends were the ones who actually planted it. It's the only tree that's still up after 40 years. Many have tried to cut it, but everyone has failed. They either cant cut it or their axe breaks.

I cant believe were really going to go there. This is a dream come true.

Well let's get going then, we have a long trip ahead of us.

Once we left the village, the noise stopped. We could no longer hear the laughter of children and the chatter of adults. It was kind of soothing. It was just me and lizzie on our in the the wastelands. We walked for miles before coming to our first stop. Along the way we just talked about the other villagers, and told stories of when we were kids. When we reached about the halfway point we set up camp. I lit the fire and pulled some of the meat from my pack out and started roasting it.

So lizzie, what do you think of the wastelands so far?

Its huge! The wasteland is so vast it's kinda scary. It seems like it never ends, it goes on forever in all directions. It's kind of lonely, and empty. If I wasn't with you I dont think i would ever want to go out here.

Yeah the wastelands are vast. They do have an end though. Everything ends eventually. But you never have to worry about being alone or scared when I'm here. I'll never leave you alone out here. I'll always protect you.

I'm so glad I married you Dakota. I know I say it a lot but its true. Any other guy in the village wouldn't take me out here, and I would be stuck inside all day cleaning and cooking. With you I feel like I can do so much more and be who I wanna be. I love you!

I love you too! I'm glad that we got married too. Life has been great ever since. Your a very beautiful woman and you like me for me. If it was any other girl I would have said no. It also helped that you were my best friend. Well I think we should hit the hay, we have another long day tomorrow. Goodnight lizzie.

Goodnight Dakota.

As we went to bed I thought about the day ahead of us. We are going to reach our destination after about 7 hours of walking. The legendary tree was one of the most beloved trees in my time. It is very beautiful. I also couldn't help but think about Shinoa, I wondered if she was ok or if she was still there. I hoped deep down that she had escaped from that wretched place, but I also knew that he wouldnt let her escape. He probably has his eyes on her 24/7. As I thought about these things I fell asleep.

After a good night's sleep I woke up with lizzie in my arms. I couldnt help but smile as I saw her wake up.

Hey, you just woke up too?

Yep, i slept well, especially in your arms. You kept me warm all night so I didnt have trouble at all.

Well that's good, I slept well too. I had a good dream about you, me and all of my friends in a house together.

That's so sweet!

Maybe, but more importantly we should travel onward. We are half way there, and we'll be there in about 7 hours.

All right, I'm so excited to go there. I never thought I would be able to see the legendary tree. Let's hurry up and go!

I was so happy to see her excited about going to the tree. She wanted to get there as fast as possible. I understood her excitement, I was excited too. I haven't been there for the better of 40 years and would love to see how it turned out and how much shes grown.

All right, the. let's go as fast as possible.

On the way there we talked about life, and what we had plans for. She said that she wanted to eventually have kids so she can feel like she has a purpose. I told her that she doesnt need kids to have a purpose. She can have kids but not to feel like she needs to. After that we started joking around with eachother, pushing eachother into the sand and telling jokes. Before long we were there and I'll never forget the look she had when she saw it, or the words she said.

"It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."