11- The Journey Pt.2

Hey Dakota, wake up sleepy head. Its morning and we've got to get back home. Father is probably worried about us.

Yeah ok, I'm up. Just give me a sec.

I was still tired. I dont know how she could be up and moving around already. The suns barely up. You would think that she would be more tired as this is her first journey into the wastelands, but no shes perfectly fine. I got up and stretched a bit before I packed us up. At the start of our journey we had about 50 pounds worth of stuff in each bag, but now one bag seems weightless and the other seems to weigh about 25 pounds. The journey is really coming together, and I'm happy.

Come on Dakota, hurry it up you slow poke. I want to get home and tell father all about what has happened in our journey. He will be so happy I finally got out of the village.

Who are you calling slow poke. I'm more of a Rapidash than a slow poke.

What's a Rapidash?

Oh right you wouldn't know. Sorry that will be a topic for the road, so let's get going "Slow poke."

Haha, all right.

We had hit the road again, this time we were on our way to the village instead of away. It felt good that we were on our way back. I could finally relax in my home and talk with friends about dumb stuff and poop jokes. But I dont think I was nearly as excited to go home as Lizzie was. She was jumping up and down the whole way it felt like. I had to tell her to stop multiple times or that she would waste all her energy and I would have to carry her. She didn't really seem to care about that. In fact she smirked when I said it as she kept jumping. You know for a 22 year old she had a lot of energy. It must be all the energy she could never use when she was a kid. She had to stay inside all day and practice her cooking and cleaning si that she could be a good wife one day. That must of sucked.

So what is the deal with the tepid cash? You said we would talk about it on the road.

What's tepid cash? Oh you mean rapidash. It was a pokemon joke. Slowpoke is a slow pokemon and rapidash is a really fast pokemon. It was a really old cartoon that went on for 70 seasons believe it or not. Insane amount of pokemon, I believe there was 20 thousand in total.

Whats a cartoon?

A cartoon was something that was usually meant for kids to watch on a TV. A TV was a screen that you could watch shows and stuff on, or watch the news. Basically you could do anything with them.

The rest of the way to our halfway point I was explaining stuff about my time that were destroyed. I ended up explaining cars, trains, planes, boats, video games, anime, spaceships, and even submarines. She seemed so interested in it, she was clearly fascinated by the things that she thought were never even possible.

So you have flying objects that could carry people thousands of feet in the air? You had giant aquatic machines that could take you both on top of and under the water? And you could go into space? Your time was amazing.

Yeah it was. I want to eventually bring Earth back to that point. If I do that then maybe we can treat the Earth better so that we dont need a machine like that this time.

I hope so too.

We had finally settled down at our camp and started to eat the last if the food. We had a huge meal this time as we didnt want anything to go to waste. It was all so delicious that I couldnt wait to get home and eat some more of that food. While we ate we talked about random stuff, and dreams we had. We both eventually stopped and just stared at the sky daydreaming.

Hey Dakota, what do you think all those lights are up there?

Well those are stars. They are burning balls af plasma and gas light years away. The big one is the moon, and the reason it's so bright is because its surface reflects most of the light back at us from the sun.

That's so cool. So they are basically burning fires on a much larger scale.

Basically you got the most of it. Most of the stars you see up there are probably not even there anymore. Their so far away that their light is just reaching us after millions and possibly billions of years. But it's getting late so I think we should head to bed, we'll be home by noon if you wake up the same time you did today.

After that we both laid in bed and went to sleep. I couldnt help but wonder why she was so curious about everything. I figured it might be because she never really got to know all this stuff, and got interested in it when I brought it up. Then I thought it might be because shes always been this way but I just havent been around enough to answer her questions. After that I fell asleep with her in my arms again.

It was sunup again and she was pulling me out if bed.

Come on let's go, we are so close to being home!

Alright you go ahead I'll catch up after I pack.

As she went ahead and I packed it up, I noticed that both bags weighed about 25 pounds now. I threw both on my back and ran to catch up with her. It felt like I ran for about 5 minutes before I caught up to her, but I did.

So how did you line your first journey outside the village?

It was fantastic, I would love to do this again sometime. I dont think I've had this much fun in forever.

That's good to hear, journeys are supposed to be fun. They're supposed to get you excited about the unknown.

The trip back was mostly quiet, aside from the occasional question she asked. It felt like forever but before we knew it we were back at the village.