15- Invention

It's been about a month since the village has started mining the mountain. We've got about 3000 feet mined out as of right now. I've built storage houses for every mineral we find. We have enough coal to fuel a steam engine for 3 years. That doesnt matter though. The village has really come together. People are helping each other out when needed and even volunteering to do stuff for the village. Just yesterday we had someone volunteer to cook a entire feast for the village. I dont know what they used, but boy did it taste amazing. It was as if the perfect sirloin steak was oozing with flavor. We have finally found salt in the mountain, so we are mining that to preserve our foods longer. Our villages economy was boosting. Recently one of our expedition groups found a village about 4 days time from here on foot. We have recently begun trading with them. We have a point about half way there that we use as a sort of trading outpost. We trade them minerals and they give us money and food. In fact once our village is big enough they said they would gladly join us. Everyone in town has a job now. Our farmers are producing crops like never before, our new carpenters and landscapers are hard at work. Me and Lizzie have been going well. We recently went on another journey. This time we went to the top of the mountains. I've never seen her more scared.

That's enough about the past though, recently I've started working on a project that I'm pretty sure even Shadowfrost hasnt achieved yet. I am making a computer. It will be the only one of it's kind for now. The only reason I'm able to do this is because of the mining operation. I'm so close to having it done I can practically see the screen. The only people who know of this are Lizzie, Chief, Coben and Aj. In fact Coben and Aj have been helping me work on it. Before all this went down Coben was a computer technician. He could take apart a windows 50 and put it back together in 5 minutes flat. It's all because of him that I am this close to being done. Now the only thing I need to make it work is a constant electrical flow.

Hey Aj could you go get a leather scrap for me. I think I have an idea how to make a constant electrical connection with some static.

After Aj left to go get some leather from the cloth maker I thought about how I was gonna get rubber. I could use natural rubber, but I don't know where any rubber trees are.

Hey Dakota.

Oh hey Lizzie, what do you have in your hand?

I dont know, but I found this weird tree the let out some weird ooze after some guys chopped it. I filled an entire bag with it cause j thought you would be able to use it for something.

Hold on let me see this.

In the bag was the fluid produced by rubber trees when they get cut. It was a strang coincidence that as I said I don't know where any are, lizzie came in with some.

This is perfect lizzie, its actually just what I needed. Thank you so much.

When Aj gets back with the leather I can finally make a static generator. The rubber should last about 2 months. It's already solidified so all I need to do is attach it to the machine. Aj came back with a big piece of leather and I was able to start.

The process was a long and grueling one but I eventually got the entire generator connected and ready to run. I connected it to the computer and then started it up. At first it looked as though it wasn't working...but then the computer screen lit up. It was faint as it wasnt a lot of electricity but it worked.

Yes let's go, we got the computer to run. It took a grueling 2 weeks but everything is working. We have to tell chief.

Yes let's do it. Me and Coben will bring him over as soon as possible.

They left to go get the chief and it was only about 5 minutes until they came bursting through the door. The chief was so happy that it was finally complete. All he wants to do is better the village.

This is only the beginning chief. Now we know that we can make electronics.