Origins- Shadowfrost: Part 1

The year is 2060. A new baby has been born, his name is David Shadowfrost. He was born at San Jose St. Bonaventure hospital. His family was in poverty. The only reason his family was in the hospital was because of the free healthcare provided to all citizens of Earth. His father was a buser at a 2 star restaurant. His mother was unemployed. Life was hard for a baby David.

After he was brought home to the slums in San Jose his parents soon realized that they wouldnt be able to afford a baby. Although the wouldnt be able to support the baby the best they can, they decided to keep him. They figured that staying with them was better than sending him to an adoption center just to have a abusive family take him in. He was breast fed as a infant. He was smaller than most babies his age due to malnourishment. At birth he weighed 6 lbs 3 oz, just a month later he weighed 6 lbs 5 oz. His growth was considered dangerously low. Both of his parents suffered from depression. No matter how much medicine you prescribe, some things can't be healed. His father was upset that he couldn't support his wife and kid. His mother was upset that she couldnt properly care for David, she thought it was her fault that he was so small.

A year had passed in his life. He was now 10lbs and was starting to crawl. He was a slow learner. Life hadn't been kind to him, as a baby he didnt really care though. One day he woke up to a loud noise and started crying. His mother had killed herself in the bathroom. His father was still at work. As a baby he couldn't do anything but cry for hours. Eventually he just stopped crying and fell asleep. His father came home later that night and saw his dead wife. There was blood all over the mirror and door. After he called the cops and they had arrived his father asked them to take David to a new home where he could be happy. They questioned why and he simply replied that he couldn't afford to take care of him and work at the same time.

David was then adopted by what seemed to be a nice family. They had a house, and were never short in cash. Since they were a well off family, David ate well and started to grow more. By the time he had turned two he was 25 lbs. He was walking and was starting to talk. He was a happy toddler with his new family, and he thought they were happy to have him too. Then they put him up for adoption again.

This was his second time being put up for adoption.