18- Peace

Two months after the incident life was going well. Dakota and Lizzie were happy and working, Coben and Aj were on a journey to discover new villages to trade with, and the Chief was as happy as could be. The mining operation was going swell and people were flooding to the city. With a population of 450,000 the city was flourishing. The village now had 5 story apartments to house citizens in. It was all coming together.

Hey Dakota, what do you think will happen to this village now that were big now?

I try not to think about that kind of stuff. I just try to live right now as best I can, because I'm not looking forward to what I have to do in the future. Many people will get hurt, so I'm trying to keep peace in my life as much as possible for now.

Life had been good for the first 16 years of my life. I hope it will be good for the next how many years I live. My main reason for living so far has been to train to beat Shadowfrost. Sad thing is, now that he knows that I'm back and training he will probably train too. That means that I will have to train twice as hard, no four times as hard.

So lizzie...What do you think is wrong with the chief? Hes been really happy lately, although he is scaring the children. I mean hes running around naked for pete sake.

Oh...That is just what happens to men in ny family line. The reason all the men try to seem depressed is so they dont go crazy. My father forgot about that. It might be because he went crazy though.

Dang so that's why Elon Musk always seemed like a overachieving teenager. He was acting depressed to keep from going crazy.

Actually he was depressed. He was the smartest man in the world and nobody could challenge his intelligence. His life was boring even though he owned Tesla and SpaceX and many other stuff. He actually made it a rule that every guy in the family has to act depressed to suppress their intelligence. The woman were safe because we display more emotions to keep us sane.

Dang well that's quite interesting. So you woman are safe from the Musk Curse. So what will happen to him? Will he ever return to normal?

Sadly no! Once they slip into madness, they can never go back to normal. Eventually his madness will lead him to suicide. When that happens, since your the husband of his only daughter, you'll be the new chief. You'll lead this village to its peak.

So I'll be the new chief. That would be interesting. I could lead and train whenever I want. Although I would have a lot of work to do, so there would be no training time. On second thought I dont think I'll be the chief. There is too much work and I'm not ready to lead an entire village if this many people.

Well you got some time before it happens. Based of the stage where he is now, you got about a month before he goes over the edge.

I was not ready to lead a village. I'm only 16 and I've got too much to do. Maybe I should let Aj or Coben lead. They would both make good leaders. Although they would pull the commander card on me and say " you lead us very well, who says you cant lead them." They would do a much better job. So in the morning I will tell them that when the time comes I want them to both be chief. Two heads is better than one. Plus they both have many things to offer that the other doesnt. Its settled. This talk inside my head has been good. Goodnight brain!