Is She Gonna Jump?

We arrived in front of the house but I noticed something was a little off. Jason, aren't you gonna come in? No, I have my luggage in the back I already let my mom know I would be leaving right after I drop you off. Oh alright then I'm gonna miss you, thank you for today I had a great time. So did I, well goodbye be safe I'll see you soon. I couldn't help but be sad that he was leaving once again. When I entered there was a loud crashing sound. Suddenly I felt something dripping on my right arm. I looked at my arm and saw some red liquid running down my hand.

Not even five seconds passed since I entered the house and I was already injured. My mom threw me a glass cup and started yelling at me. You should be ashamed of yourself, you wasted Jason's day off he must've been tired. You didn't help me around the house. You skipped half the day of school and yet I got a call home saying you even waisted everyone's class time. Who gave you permission to be happy don't you know that everything is your fault. Do you want me to keep reminding you of what you did? Why your dad is no longer here? I'm sure you know, I mean it was all your fault after all.Just get out. I can't stand looking at you. Leave!

She pushed me out, shut the door, and quickly locked it. Well, I can't say I was surprised I was kind of waiting for it. I started walking to school which took me almost an hour. It was already nine and I have school the next day I just want to get there to have some rest, today was a long day. When I got there I saw someone's shadow. I was confused because no one else seemed to know the way up here. I got a little closer and noticed it was a girl I didn't look at her face it was pretty dark but I can tell she had blonde hair and she didn't seem to know someone was behind her. She was a little to close to the edge it almost looked like if she was ready to jump off. Oh no is she gonna jump off?

Just by seeing that she was gonna take a step forward I quickly got flashbacks to what happened to my dad five years ago. I didn't know what to do, I didn't have time to think anymore. Without knowing I quickly grabbed her. I thought that was quick but that was not quick, what was quick was how fast she reacted. She pushed me off. Next thing I know I'm falling off the building everything's happening so fast, but I still have time to have so many thoughts? Who is she? Did she push me off in purpose? Why was she there? Wasn't she gonna jump off? Did I save her? Is she gonna jump after? What the hell is going on? After all these thoughts everything went blank.

{At the hospital} Hey what's your name? Are you friends with him or how do you know him? Do you know his family or anyone we can contact? What happened or what did you witness? My name is Xian, I am a friend of his but I don't know his family or anyone you can contact, and as to what happened was me and him usually hang out at the top of the school since no one else seems to go up there. I decided to go since I live by there and had nothing else to do at home so I thought why not go and check if he's there. When I got there I saw that he was about to jump off I didn't know what he was thinking but it looked like if he was trying to commit suicide so I was gonna try and stop him but it was too late. Then the doctor replied with, by any chance do you know why he would try to commit suicide? Nope, I have no clue he seemed fine and suddenly it ended to this but just as the usual, you never see the signs until its too late.

The doctor believed her since she's really good at lying and does it often. He didn't ask her any more questions because she looked a little worried so then he just thanked her and left. {Front Office} Did you guys find anything from his belongings? No, not yet he doesn't even have a phone. Suddenly one of the nurses yelled, "I found something !" What did you find? I found a picture of a girl in his back pocket and it has a phone number on the back.