Interested In Lu

Everyone looked back. The girls were disappointed almost about to cry. Ms.Paterson looked happy as she saw him point in Lu's direction. She was so happy she can finally get Lu back and embarrass him. She didn't even think of it and said, "Lu get out of that seat, that seat no longer belongs to you." Lu was about to look at her since he was looking outside of the window the whole time. But before Lu even had the chance to look he heard someone say, "no not that one, I want to sit in the empty seat in front of him.".

Ms.Patterson was embarrassed and apologized to Hayden when she should've been apologizing to Lu instead. Lu looked. Hayden? He had no idea when or why he was there but by what he just heard he knew they must've changed his class due to the fight. At this point, the girls weren't only sad now they were sad, angry, and jealous. Hayden picked a seat far away from the rest of the girls. Even though the seat he chose was surrounded by boys there was only a girl sitting in that group.

He picked the seat in front of Lu but what upset the girl's the most was that he chose the seat next to that girl. If looking at someone would harm the person, Casey would have already been dead. They would at least be fine if it was another girl but not that one. Casey was the girl version of the term fuckboy. She had no friends because the girls were jealous of her and the boys would only fall in love with her. Everyone judges Casey because she had already dated more boys in one week than the count of girls Hayden dated in have a year. Hayden and Casey were similar in some ways, for example, they both get what they want, they are always liked by the opposite sex based on looks and personality, many people are envious of them, and they both get into many relationships.

The difference was that Casey was known as a heartbreaker and Hayden was known as leaving girls wanting for more as if he was some kind of drug. The only people who know why they date so much are themselves. People thought that Hayden and Casey dated a lot just for fun but that was only part of it, the main reason was to teach other lessons. Casey and Hayden have never met in person they have only heard rumors of one another so by the girls' reactions and his name being called she realized who he was. When she would hear rumors about Hayden they talked about how good looking he was and how others reacted to him she thought they were exaggerating, but when she saw it herself they actually underestimated it. Hayden only heard rumors of Casey so when he had chosen that seat he didn't know it was her. At first, he just wanted the seat because it was away from all the girls but that seat even had a bonus, it had a girl sitting next to it. In fact, she was the prettiest girl he had ever encountered.

Hayden was walking to his seat when suddenly he heard some girls say, "Casey has some luck, she sits next to all those boys keeping them all to herself and yet she's gonna try to steal Hayden too?" He was shocked he almost stopped halfway he finally realized who he sat next to, he didn't expect it at all since to him she looked very sweet and innocent. As he was walking to his seat he was thinking of a plan to trap her. All he was thinking was, this should be fun, not only is she very appealing but also a bigger player than me.

When Hayden walked into the classroom the person he noticed was Lu, Lu was looking out the window as if he wasn't on the same planet as everyone else. He was different he was in his own world shutting everything else out while everyone else was prying. He right away got a good ora from Lu but at the same time, he got a sense of sadness and loneliness coming from him. Hayden quickly sat down but could no longer wait, he was too interested in Lu.....