
Hayden was about to say something when suddenly there was a buzz. Hayden picked up his phone and said " yeah sorry I forgot, I'll be right there" and hanged up. I'm sorry I'll see you Tommorrow I forgot u had to help my sister with something. He has a sister? "Its okay." " Thank you for understanding, I'll see you tomorrow." Hayden was already gone before Lu could even reply.

{Xian in the morning} I woke up yawned saw the phone and panicked. Oh no. Froy wake up I put the alarm at the wrong time. I looked to my right. Huh? He's not here? Looked to my left not there either. I was about to get up when the bathroom door creeked. Froy came out of the bathroom. He's already ready? He ran to me and kissed my cheek but looked a little upset. I know your not excited about kindergarten but just remember you'll see me right after. He was a obviously not in a rush if he could he would get there late or never go at all. Come on Froy its your first day you'll probably like it you have never gone to school maybe you'll find something interesting. Either way its better for you to go these days you know I'm gonna be busy and not at home any way. I don't have anyone to take care of you and by the time your out I'll be done and pick you up and we can spend time together. He didn't like it but he accepted it any way. Alright I'll get changed quickly you want to pick my outfit? " Froy looked a lot more pleased and nodded. Xian got ready, checked that she didn't forget anything, carried Froy, and locked the door.

Well Froy we got here the good thing is it isn't too far if not we would've been late it would've been my fault. I'm sorry it won't happen again. Okay Froy let's go inside. A young lady around the age of twenty five came towards us. She had really long hair and pretty big hazel eyes. She looked at me and Froy and said with a big smile,"come in." She went to face Froy and said," I hope you'll like kindergarten little guy I'll definitely try my best to be at your standards." Froy was still serious and hugging Xian as if no one else was there.

"So whats you name?" "Ah I'm sorry that was rude of me my name is Ms.Fredward,it's really nice to meet you guys. What's your name?" My name is Xian and this is Froy he doesn't talk and he likes his space but he's a really good kid. "That's nice to know how about I take you guys inside so that Froy can choose his desk?" We went inside it was pretty loud I was surprised we didn't hear all that from the outside. "Froy what table do want to sit in?" Froy looked at me and then looked around. They were all almost full. Froy looked at me and pointed at the empty table in the back. "Alright." If I were to choose I would get him a table with other kids so that he can make friends but he likes his space so I think he would feel more comfortable in his own table, and plus what if they are mean to him. I know he would be fine with it and would know how to handle it but I don't want him to have those kind of experiences at least not at such a young age.

I was about to take out the chair so that Froy can sit it but a kid came in and sat in it instead. I was looking around for that kids parents but everyone else was paired with someone. Maybe they are in the restroom? "Hey kid where are you parents?" The little kid looked confused and said "parents?" Does he not have any? I looked at Froy to see if he was okay sitting there with the kid and he nodded. I sat him in the seat next to him. The little kid looked around the age of five to almost 6 he had long blonde hair almost cover his eyes and blue eyes. He was really cute and cheerful. Im not worried about Froy anymore that kid seems like a good one. I looked at the kid and said,"Hey what's your name little guy?" He smiled and in a soft and low voice said, "Tony." "Alright Tony so my name is Xian and this is Froy he doesn't talk but he will listen, he likes his distance and he's usually really serious around others so I hope you know he doesn't dislike you." Tony smiled but you can tell that he was confused. Ah he will figure it out on his own. They are somewhat the opposite but I'm sure they will get along.

The bell rang. Ms.Fredward starting speaking,"well the bell rang you guys can stay for a little but the longest you guys can start is ten minutes. Everyone stayed a little longer I sat beside Froy. Ms.Fredward past around stalks of paper to have on each desk. She explained how the stacks of papers were for the kids to draw on and later would be to learn colors and letters. Every desk had two boxes one full of crayons and the other one stacked with markers. I reached out for them both and put them in between both of them so that they could share. Tony didn't wait any longer he quickly opened the boxes and started drawing. For his age he was pretty good at it. Froy got a piece of paper and started folding it instead. When he was done he passed it to me. He had shaped it as a heart. "Thank you Froy I love it" and gave Froy a kiss. Tony stopped drawing he looked kind of sad I realized it was because he must not get much kisses from his own parents. I leaned in and kissed Tony's cheek as well. Froy looked upset at first but he seemed to realize it after as well so he didn't mind anymore. Tony looked way happier and started coloring again. Tony put down his colors and slid his drawing so that Froy and I can see it. It was a drawing of what looked like Froy,me, another lady which looked like Ms.Fredward, and himself. He made Froy and I hugging and the lady holding hands with Tony.

I looked at it and smiled Froy looked at it and nodded giving him the gesture that he did a good job. Tony smiled and looked even happier than before and carefully put the drawing in his backpack so it wouldn't rip.