I Have Arrived

The entire scene fell silent.

Condescendingly standing on the stairs, a faint coldness emitted in between her eyebrows. She curled her lips up out of habit, and although she did not have much of an expression on her face, she still looked very intimidating.

The people in the Su Family had instinctively chosen to listen to Su Huiqing.

Within a few days, Su Huiqing's status in the Su Family had almost surpassed that of Su Lun.

Hence, once Su Huiqing gave her orders, a few of them immediately walked towards Zhang Mingxi and harshly told him to leave the house.

Zhang Mingxi was still a little stunned at first. He could not understand how Su Huiqing, who people would not even try to find if they lost her in a crowd of people, suddenly changed so much.

However, he hit the ceiling in the next second because of the sudden swarm of people charging towards him.