Wooden Board

Yi Zhong High School.

Qu Yan bent her head down to take notes for mathematics class, but she side-glanced from time to time.

Su Huiqing leaned against the chair and had her head lowered.

Suddenly, she looked up and directed her black eyes at Qu Yan.

Qu Yan's heart took a dip, and she stared back in shock.

Su Huiqing calmly placed a knife on the table before tilting her body to take out a blank notebook.

'Pa!' She threw it onto Qu Yan's desk.

"Focus and write on your notes." She continued to carve something and squinted her eyes. "Copy a set for me, too."

It was a faint six words.

Her hair flowed down her face; black hair with porcelain-white cheeks contrasted with each other.

She lazily leaned back against the chair as the sun smoothly outlined her contour. She looked nonchalant yet elegant and had a blinding radiance around from her.