What Did You Say Her Name Was?

The group of six walked along that path that was considerably short.

Behind them, a blazing light glowed.

In a base that was miles underground, a blonde man was watching on a screen the entire time.

In fact, since the time Yu Shijin retaliated, he felt that something was amiss.

The blonde man reversed the scene on the screen and started to type on the keyboard.

The video was slowed down five times. Even so, he was still unable to see the pathway of the arrow clearly. He could only see the ten arrows that he drew out, yet many people had already collapsed!

More importantly, ever since the beginning, that dark figure had never revealed his front view.

He had around five minutes after stealing control from Chi Yue, and five minutes was definitely not a short amount of time to a hacker, especially in a base that had many surveillance cameras.

He had taken control over all the surveillance cameras in the laboratory base.