He Is Not That Astute

Su Ruohua took up her handbag and went home.

Her hands trembled all the way back.

Her mind echoed with the words that Qingqing told her that day: "I will get top marks for this exam."

At this moment, her cell phone rang. It was Su Huiqing.

Su Ruohua took the call in a daze. But it was a bit noisy on the other end of the phone.

"Teacher Xie just called me. I wanted to wait until you came home to tell you personally. I never expected for news to travel so fast." Su Huiqing was speaking into her phone, while Yu Xiangyang and Empress Su were fighting. It was too noisy. Covering the phone with one hand, she turned to look calmly at the pair. "Quiet."

Empress Su's claws were grasping Yu Xiangyang's hair when Su Huiqing's placid voice drifted over. It was so scared that it immediately retracted its claws and scuttled to the side.

Su Huiqing finally went back to her call. She placed one hand on the windowsill.