Listen to my orders

"Hey hey hey—Miss Su, we are all on the same side!"

Hearing that a situation came up from the vice chief detective's side through the walkie-talkie, Chu Xuning rushed over with a wave of teams in a hurry, thinking that the people on his side have been exposed, but he did not expect to meet acquaintances here instead.

The figure in the uniform turned around—

The figure was dressed in the white and black Yi Zhong High School school uniform from head to toe.

Her face was flushed and clear just like in a painting.

Her eyes looking over were black and bright, and very cold and indifferent.

Instead of making others feel uncomfortable, this kind of cold gaze made them feel at ease instead.

This was no doubt Su Huiqing, the Missy Su.

Chu Xuning breathed a sigh of relief, and the pressure that had been weighing down on his chest these days suddenly lifted.

Seeing Su Huiqing here, he felt the same excitement as seeing Yu Shijin.