Not Joking At All

No one dared to disregard Yu Shijin's words.

Just two days ago, Qin Dui managed to get a warrant within one night, but Yu Shijin managed to obtain one in just an hour.

Currently at the Zhang Family's meeting room.

As they had been holding onto a large batch of herbs, the Zhang Family suffered a major and potentially fatal financial blow.

Zhang Mingxi was well aware of the situation, but he was not anxious as he had a bank card from the International Association. He checked and saw that it held $900 million.

$900 million was nearly enough to cover the Zhang Corporation's losses.

If it was anyone else, he would have suspected why they were willing to put up so much money. But this was Kyle they were talking about. Kyle was used to handling hundreds of millions of dollars.

The meeting room contained all the investors who wished to cooperate with the Zhang Corporation.

They had all come because of Kyle.