I Don't Wish To See Her at Yi Zhong High School Tomorrow

Zhang Mingxi's eyes were glued to the screen. His chiseled face was very grim.

He was holding his breath waiting for Su Huiqing's answer.

Even he himself didn't realize that his fingernails had already pierced the skin of his own palm.

He did have his doubts and had been momentarily moved during that period of time.

But in the end, he was the one who cut himself off.

On the screen, Su Huiqing was standing sideways, one hand in her pocket and the other holding onto her bag. She gazed calmly into the camera.

Zhang Mingxi was mentally prepared for Su Huiqing's disappointed expression.

But there wasn't any.

After hearing the reporter's question, that person just shook her head with a chuckle. "I am very grateful to them for teaching me what kind of people deserve my trust. The people in Su Corporation, who stood by me under those circumstances, are the ones whom I should cherish."

Her eyes were cold.