Her Account

It was obviously a social media account.

An international account.

There was only one group in the account.

Demon Concentration Camp.

This group comprised the most demonic, most elite and most terrifying bunch of people from the International Association.

Although she had never met most of the people in this group, she got along pretty well with them. They often got together to sabotage the dealings of those big bosses.

Su Huiqing's account was one of them.

Far away in the International Association.

A tall figure walked out from the bathroom. He headed to his computer as he wiped his hair, his manner relaxed and lazy.

An icon on the bottom right-hand corner jumped. He casually moved his mouse and clicked on it.

Not many people sought him out. He typed with one hand as the other continued to wipe his hair with a towel.


That black-and-white icon expanded to a chat window, which held one line of words: