It's Chi Qing

This was undoubtedly Yu Shijin's voice.

Su Huiqing took a look at the classroom which had been cleaned up, leaned against the table, ran her fingers through her hair, and said, "Why did you look for me?"

"To have a meal." Sitting in his car with the windows wound down, Yu Shijin looked into the direction of Yi Zhong High School calmly.

This time, there was no chauffeur—he was sitting in the driver's seat.

His arm was parched on the car window. The light shining on the side of his face made him look slightly lonely.

Furthermore, with the obvious purple-tint gold orchid logo on the car, the scene looked like a poetic and cold painting.

Extremely mysterious.

Many passersby turned back and stole glances.

Yu Shijin ignored them and continued looking in the direction of the school gate.

He looked elegant and classy in black.

Afar, four figures were walking over.