If It Were Me, I Would Have Just Killed Him

Green City in November was no longer as hot.

The sunlight shining through the clouds brought with it hints of chilliness.

Superintendent Hong received Su Huiqing's message half an hour ago.

It was a very simple message. The name of a location.

He didn't dare to dawdle after receiving her message and immediately rushed over with a team of people.

Everyone was decked out in full gear.

It was a race track. No one should be around if there wasn't any race scheduled.

Superintendent Hong thought it would be the scene of a terrible battle.

He never expected that by the time they rushed to the scene, it was indeed the scene of a bloody fight.

But it was very different from what he expected.

Under the dazzling light.

A lady clad in a white dress shirt was leading a tall, strapping man. She seemed to have noticed that some other people had arrived.

She let go and flung the man to the ground beside her feet.