Yes, This Is Her Home

She moved fluidly and effortlessly.

Very clean and cool.

Even when she was looking down, she emitted coldness.

The entire production team looked over in her direction, everyone feeling coldness in their hearts.

Since she was very young, Su Huiqing already knew that in this world, the strongest was always respected.

If one didn't want to be bullied by others like a dog, he must exhaust all means to make himself stronger.

Su Huiqing reached out and held onto the snow jade pendant on her neck.

When that man took the stool beside him and threw it towards her, she kicked that stool away.

And grabbed onto his shoulder with her other hand.


This was a very crisp sound of a shoulder being dislocated.

The man finally couldn't help but groan!

"Remember, if there's anything in the future, come straight for me." Su Huiqing smiled coldly. "Don't bully my people at will."