Have You Heard Of The Miracle Doctor?

It was an unknown number.

Su Huiqing put on her pyjamas and accepted the call.

It was Ning Wenjun. He politely expressed his wish to apologize to Su Huiqing.

Su Huiqing brushed her hair casually and spoke mildly, "The vendetta between Ning Wenxue and I has already been resolved."

She then hung up just like that, leaving Ning Wenjun wholly stunned. Her voice was clear, her tone cold and remote…

The image of that aloof figure holding an umbrella suddenly appeared in his mind.

Ning Wenjun tightened his grip around the phone, before lifting his eyes. "Has it been delivered to Master Yu?"

He understood Su Huiqing's earlier words.

She had indeed resolved the vendetta between Ning Wenxue and herself.

But she had no intention of letting the Ning Family off.

The person beside him bowed and answered, "We have just dispatched someone to deliver it."

Ning Wenjun's expression shifted slightly.