Nearly Becoming The Scene Of A Major Bloodshed

The Green City Public Security Subdivision.

A bunch of people were standing in a straight row in the interrogation room.

Su Huiqing leaned against the wall lazily.

"Stand properly!" The police officer rebuked sternly. "Someone said you have a stolen gun in your possession."

Su Huiqing lifted her eyes slightly and smirked. "It's yours if you can find it."

She was in handcuffs and was glancing sideways at the police officer. Her gaze was as cold and remote as always.

She had already tossed the gun away at the bar. Apollo would also never let some small-time police officer catch him with his weapon.

The police officer was writing on his notepad. He paused and surveyed Su Huiqing in a frosty manner.

In the end, he shifted his eyes over to Angie. "How long have you been smoking marijuana?"

Angie had been in a bad mood today, but as she watched Su Huiqing's lazy manner, she couldn't help chuckling.