Apologize If You Don't Wish To Die

She was a gorgeous woman.

Dressed in a fire-engine red dress.

Black hair flowing behind her head, a peach blossom symbol on the space between her brows—she was undeniably alluring and sexy.

Worried that she would disturb Su Huiqing, the driver immediately got out of the car.

But she arrogantly pushed the driver aside, knocking him onto the side of the car!

Her lips curled up, the expression on her face scornful and mocking.

Su Huiqing was sitting in the innermost seat. With her head lowered, no one could see her face clearly, but they could feel the obvious chill exuding from her body.

Qu Yan was seated on the outer side of Su Huiqing. Seeing the red-clad woman pushing the driver away, she stomped her foot angrily and got out of the car.

She stepped out. "Are you looking for a fight?!"

The red-clad woman tossed her sunglasses aside.

And grabbed Qu Yan's forearm.