If He Could Tell, Bai Yi Naturally Could Too

The vice chief detective and the rest immediately whipped out their weapons and closed the door violently.

The others split, stood on both of his sides, whipped out their weapons, and pointed the pitch-black muzzles directly at the people in the Dugu Family.

This was the first time the people in the Dugu Family saw Yu Shijin.

Including Dugu Wu.

Everyone in the Dugu Family didn't expect such biting cold aura, which couldn't be concealed by the screen, from the mediocre person in their eyes.

Such majestic disposition was far and few between even in the entire International Association.

The Dugu Family matriarch, seeing that after Yu Shijin appeared, even the head of the Yu Family walked down from the sovereign seat, humbly stood aside.

Her heart shook in fear, and she instinctively tightened her grip on the prayer beads in her hands.

Especially the chain of criminal evidence listed by Yu Shijin.