Who Did This?

Before Yu Shijin came, the chief detective already had everyone outside the sorceress hall under control.

"Mister, what are you trying to do?" The great sorcerer came out hurriedly. "You actually dare to cause trouble on the Unknown Island?"

That sorceress robe.

Was undeniably filled with a murderous aura.

"I'm here on my boss's order to watch over the sorceress hall." The chief detective observed all the terrains of the sorceress hall before he turned sideways and said calmly, "All of you better behave and don't move."

The great sorcerer didn't know the chief detective and said directly, "Just now, someone killed dozens of people from my sorceress hall. I'm going to report to Mr. Chi Yue—can you bear the responsibility of any delay?!"

Those people at the sorceress hall didn't manage to stop Su Huiqing.

Instead, they had all been exterminated by her.

To kill on the Unknown Island was challenging the island's power.